Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

My miniature silver appleyard and my pekin have been sharing a nest. I doubt any of the pekin eggs were fertilised as my drakes are miniatures and can't really hit the spot if you know what i mean.This is my first batch of ducklings but as I don't know how old either duck is, I'm not sure if they've hatched before. Lo and behold, I took a peek at the girls yesterday and found the first duckling. Day two and we have three so far. Needless to say,I'm pretty excited. Both the drakes seem quite proud and protective of their family, I hope they keep it up.
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My miniature silver appleyard and my pekin have been sharing a nest. I doubt any of the pekin eggs were fertilised as my drakes are miniatures and can't really hit the spot if you know what i mean.This is my first batch of ducklings but as I don't know how old either duck is, I'm not sure if they've hatched before. Lo and behold, I took a peek at the girls yesterday and found the first duckling. Day two and we have three so far. Needless to say,I'm pretty excited. Both the drakes seem quite proud and protective of their family, I hope they keep it up.

Congratulations and Welcome... ducklings need to be watched when around drakes some can be pretty nasty to them. Once the ducklings are around 2-3 weeks old they can get away better. Sometime mamas don't protect like they should either. I always keep my moms and ducklings in veiw of everyone but in their own space for at least 3 weeks.
Over protective maybe but I'd rather be than heart broken
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