Piece of sh*t snake killed my Silkie


Nov 5, 2020
It must've been a Texas Rat Snake. I've seen a few around the barn, and we don't have too many rodents but a few here and there. I've moved them out of the barn before and we also had one steal one of the girl's fake eggs months ago. Well...I came into the coop this morning and our smallest silkie (Lil' Blackie-- about 3 months old) was lifeless on the ground. Her head was all wet and distended but there was no other evidence. It really pissed me off to see her dead like that without being eaten. I already hate snakes and now this...I worry it will come back for the other 3 Silkies tonight. I hope that since it wasn't successful it wont be back? I have to put up a lot more mesh to secure their coop because this stupid snake goes all the way into the rafters then comes down wherever it wants. I already have a whole stall of the barn with hardware mesh but the mesh needs to be extended all the way up to the ceiling in some areas to block snakes.

Anyway, just had to vent. F U SNAKE
I would put the youngsters in a cage especially at night made of hardware cloth, I made one for my chicks so I'm comfortable nothing will get them. Good luck...


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I would put the youngsters in a cage especially at night made of hardware cloth, I made one for my chicks so I'm comfortable nothing will get them. Good luck...
Thank you... I might have to do this...I'm too paranoid now. I took out some of their branchy perches for roosting at night because the newer baby chicks (3mo) were separating themselves from the older chickens at night. I think if they were more bundled together on the main roost the snake wouldn't have went for her. I added another camera and for my own peace of mind maybe I will have to put the 3 silkies in their own mini cage at night. Thank you.

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