Pieds and whites... pics???

What do those of you with free range peafowl on large parcels of land do about your peahens during breeding season? Predators are such a problem here in TX Hill Country they can very easily be killed on their nests.

Really enjoying these pictures. I love my White-eyed Pied I posted earlier. Here is my 3 year old standard Pied I raised from a chick.
Gorgeous! I just hatched several pied chicks like this one - can't wait for them to grow up!

Everybody has such beautiful birds!
Here's a pied chick that I just hatched!

Your hen has WAY more green on her neck than mine...is she mixed with Green blood maybe? And Pie is awesome. Supposedly, if he breeds with your whites you will get a bunch of loud pied chicks, which are always wanted. I'm thinking you are going to have more eggs than you can handle next year...as long as they don't hide them from you
Yea i am sure she has some green blood in her.
Yep i will be hunting pea nest next year but so far they are laying pretty close to home and not out of the safe zone.
I am hoping for a few loud pieds, mabe if they are laying more than i want i can send you a few eggs, next year i will only have the pied male and split white male so i will be able to tell who's with who, so far the pied male is most of the girls prefer him the cameo and 1 of the whites like the split white male.
Can somebody tell me what color this would be . Seen picture on internet and was wondering it this real or photo shopped? Id really love to get a loud pied. I currently have a Indian Blue and a spalding sold to me as a java green :(bummer. If I breed my Blue with a white will i get pied? Thanks still learning here

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