pigeon egg died

Bryce Thomas

Mar 21, 2021
Gilbert, AZ
So I was candling the 2 eggs I have and 1 never developed so it was infertile, and the other one detached from the shell, like it was just freely moving in the egg. The internet says that happens if you handle them a little too rough. Does anybody know how I can prevent from detached yolk in pigeon eggs in the future? thanks
So I was candling the 2 eggs I have and 1 never developed so it was infertile, and the other one detached from the shell, like it was just freely moving in the egg. The internet says that happens if you handle them a little too rough. Does anybody know how I can prevent from detached yolk in pigeon eggs in the future? thanks
How often did you check on them? At most I would recommend they should be checked once a day and if you have children, siblings or any other relative under the age of 6 and you let them candle the eggs pay close attention to them because you never know if they might drop the egg or shake the developing embryo.
How often did you check on them? At most I would recommend they should be checked once a day and if you have children, siblings or any other relative under the age of 6 and you let them candle the eggs pay close attention to them because you never know if they might drop the egg or shake the developing embryo.
I was very careful with the eggs. I am the youngest in the family 15 yr and I checked them about every 2 or 3 days apart with the candling, although i would gently shake the eggs for a brief moment to try and get a clearer image
I was very careful with the eggs. I am the youngest in the family 15 yr and I checked them about every 2 or 3 days apart with the candling, although i would gently shake the eggs for a brief moment to try and get a clearer image
Try not to shake them at all next time then. You can turn them carefully around if you are using a flashlight or something else to candle the eggs.

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