pigeon flew away


7 Years
Oct 10, 2013
Ok i had a homing pigeon his name was Buddy and i have had him for over a year. He is always aloud to fly around my neiborhood freely. He always comes back with in 30 minutes but yesterday i let him out and he didnt come back. Its beem almost 48 hours. Will he ever comeback? there are other pigeins around and he always flew with them and always came back. Thanks in advance.
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If he has never been flown from another home (you've had him since a squab) he will return. There is always the possibility that he was taken by a raptor.
Sometimes pigeons go off with other pigeons.. temp to court etc n then bring friends back, or go off with them perm. He coulda got caught up some were in a garage temp etc.. or raptor coulda got.
if it gets back, or you get more, get eight six or a dozen, as pigeons safer n happier in a flock of those groups I've found.
Ok i had a homing pigeon his name was Buddy and i have had him for over a year. Its been almost 48 hours. Will he ever comeback?
If he is still alive I guarantee he will be back no matter how long it takes.

I sold a homer to a young pigeon fancier who pinioned both his wings and my homer literally walk home close to a mile away. If I had know that was what the fancier had in mind I would have never sold him the bird to begin with.

Check out my interview (you may have to suffer through a commercial if you are able to down load).

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Ive heard of homers horribly injured in various ways.. lesser of having leg/legs n wing/wings injured n using one of to hobble n or drag self home. sometimes getting healed up or nesting, then getting home after weeks or months n even year or more from someone locking them down.
Thanks for all the info guys! Unfortuantly Buddy has not come home yet...i dont know if he ever will but keepin my fingers crossed.

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