Pigeon Loft

Golden Egg

8 Years
Oct 1, 2012
Two questions.

1. What does a loft need for the comfort and health of the pigeons? Size, light, ventilation, roosts, nest boxes...?

2. What does a loft need for the convenience of the owner? Doors, ceiling height, nestbox height...?

Please be brief in your answers. Thanks!
its like raiseing bantams vs standard chickens and what your goal just afew pairs or seveeral and what kind show flying or meat birds little more info can be helpful
I was looking for generic answers, so I can design my own loft.
Things like "Pigeons need shelter from drafts but don't need supplementary heat; a place to go to get sunshine; plenty of ventilation in summer that can be closed off in the winter; 2 perches and 1 nest box per pair; at least 100 cubic feet for flying if they are kept confined;" etc. For example. I have no idea if what I just said is anywhere close to accurate!
FYI these are Birmingham rollers and will be mostly confined.
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not knwing where you live like you said no drafts birds can take the cold my loft was open on the south end just wire the north side was halfway up closed solid dureing colder weather had clear plastic the east andwest sides were done the same as the north with rollers a 6 foot by 8 foot 6 foot tall loft will hold 6 pairs and there young you need two seperate nesting compartments for each pair a perch for each bird very hard to answer go to npausa.com the natioal pigeon website links and other things you might ask

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