Pigeon partial paralysis


May 9, 2018
I have a pigeon approximately 1 year old. She is showing paralysis of the legs, at intermittent periods (days apart). Her wings and neck work fine, her eyes are clear, her feces appear to be slightly watery, but the solids show a normal amount urates vs. Fecal matter, the liquid portion is clear, without color. She is cognitively aware of her surroundings, and alert. Between bouts she appears fine, and interacts normally. She hasn't been outside of the loft, nor have any of the other birds in the loft. No other birds show or have shown any symptoms, and all appear healthy. We are practicing bio security for our loft, the feed is dry and in a clean space, bedding is clean, water is replaced daily.
Can you take a video of her when her legs are like this?

Are you sure she is eating well?
Can you take a video of her when her legs are like this?

Are you sure she is eating well?
I can attempt to take a video if she is still struggling in the morning.

I saw her eating, and acting normally earlier today, before she started into her leg paralysis. Her poops also say that she is eating.

This is her second episode, the previous one was several days earlier, and didn't last very long (maybe 20 min). This one is lasting much longer. She was still not standing after 1 hr.
Thank you @Kiki how can I find out if she is having trouble laying an egg? And what can I do for her if she is? Currently I've got her in an isolation cage with a white paper floor to monitor her overnight droppings. She has a nest, food, water, and a small bowl of oyster shell.
I do think it is almost time for her to be nesting again. I've noticed her mate courting her, and her previous set of babies has been out of the nest for about a week.
Thank you @Kiki how can I find out if she is having trouble laying an egg? And what can I do for her if she is? Currently I've got her in an isolation cage with a white paper floor to monitor her overnight droppings. She has a nest, food, water, and a small bowl of oyster shell.
I was unable to copy the link, but just Google egg binding in pigeons and look for the symptoms. Difficulty walking is one of them but you should notice much more if that is the problem.
I do think it is almost time for her to be nesting again. I've noticed her mate courting her, and her previous set of babies has been out of the nest for about a week.
If she is not actually in her nest trying to lay, I doubt she is egg bound. I've not had that happen to my hens. I know it can but I think it's more uncommon than a simple calcium deficiency. Sorry I can't be more help. @Pyxis
She was up, and acting normal again this morning. When and if there is another episode I will attempt to get more information, and hopefully a video. I should know in a couple of days. Hopefully it's a simple fix.

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