Pigeon Talk

Goodness I was way behind here.. sorry all.. been rather busy doin what needs done when the weathers nice.. its cold today tho.. :hmm
My buyer will be up shortly, I have 26 penned up but not sure how many he'll take. Last year he bought all my extra roos, about 20 so ..:fl

Congrats on all the new babies and best of luck to those whith new eggs to hatch! All the pics are great! Some beautiful birds you alll! :love
Goodness I was way behind here.. sorry all.. been rather busy doin what needs done when the weathers nice.. its cold today tho.. :hmm
My buyer will be up shortly, I have 26 penned up but not sure how many he'll take. Last year he bought all my extra roos, about 20 so ..:fl

Congrats on all the new babies and best of luck to those whith new eggs to hatch! All the pics are great! Some beautiful birds you alll! :love
Good to see you again! Hope you are at peace with the sale of your birds. :hugs
I think mom might be tired of me taking pics.. she's kinda giving me the stink eye in the second one..:lau
As I was walking out to check the birds I watched a Cooper's snatch a robin, the thing came out of nowhere and plucked the robin out of the grass just feet away from me, leaving only a pile of grey feathers.
The good news is that there's an egg now!
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Congrats! And man, I like hawks, but coppers are my least favorite. I've lost 2 birds to them :( they are soooo bold.

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