Pilgrim Geese thread

My Pilgrim goose Napoleon
3 months

Very hansom!
Hi All!

My Asa and Sally are doing well. They have a pretty good routine. Strangely they "tell" me when it is bedtime. They go right in their coop with no fuss. They have a pool and are loving the range feeding along with their Flock Raiser. I am so in love with them!

I do have a question, I am seeing feathers/down all over. Is this normal for a warm summer? Or should I be concerned. They look healthy...


Hi All!

My Asa and Sally are doing well. They have a pretty good routine. Strangely they "tell" me when it is bedtime. They go right in their coop with no fuss. They have a pool and are loving the range feeding along with their Flock Raiser. I am so in love with them!

I do have a question, I am seeing feathers/down all over. Is this normal for a warm summer? Or should I be concerned. They look healthy...

They are beautiful. and very nromal to see feathers they have many mini molts til they get in their adult feathers.
Glad to hear about mini moults since my four April babies are doing that! And I just got more! Good for the year and couldn't be happier! The adults are the parents of my three young females and the babies are sibs of my young male. So these four will all be a 'group'.
Glad to hear about mini moults since my four April babies are doing that! And I just got more! Good for the year and couldn't be happier! The adults are the parents of my three young females and the babies are sibs of my young male. So these four will all be a 'group'.
Beautiful geese. and
I do want to keep them as two separate breeding groups but hope to overwinter them together. I guess they will have the final say on that! For now the babies will come in at night and the adults will have their own accommodations in either the barn or coop. They just came today so still debating. My young group just discovered the newbies and have been telling me all about it. It's a riot!
I do want to keep them as two separate breeding groups but hope to overwinter them together. I guess they will have the final say on that! For now the babies will come in at night and the adults will have their own accommodations in either the barn or coop. They just came today so still debating. My young group just discovered the newbies and have been telling me all about it. It's a riot!
I´ve found all mine get along fine, even in breeding season I get very little trouble. I have found, though, that they decide who they want to be mated with. I´ve had some that won´t mate with the one I want, and mate with a different one fast as lightning given access! Have fun with them!
Hopefully mine will all get along well too! Navine and Miskit (new adults) are already a pair but it'll be interesting how things go next spring! My young male definitely has a favorite of his three, but they're a pretty tight group all told. The arrival of the newbies is at least as exciting as the new barn roof was!
Hi everyone I was glancing thru this thread and would love to know if anyone is in the Lancaster Chester county areas of pa who would be willing to sell some goslings come spring? Maybe a couple of pairs. I would prefer to buy local over ordering from metzer or McMurray ...thanks! :)

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