Pilgrim Geese thread

Well, they will nibble and maybe even pull it off, but binding´s so easy to do, so you just put it back on again. Most goslings have a whole load of other things to be poking at, so they tend to forget about it for the few days that it´s needed.
Do you hang a cabbage up for him/her to pick at there, to avoid boredom? And can your gosling not walk at all now?
She is a handful! She goes in and out of the chair about every 20 minutes all day long. today she decided she wanted to be in the shower with me. she freaks out if we are out of her five foot radius. so we basically cart her around to wherever we are. I have tried several different types of lettuce including kale. i introduce her to new veggies and fruits everyday. she doesnt like very much but i keep trying. (farmer had her on chicken mash) i havent found a thread on what food is good for geese so i have been following the foods allowed for ducks. I will pick up some cabbage. she will eat the grass when we are outside. i just found a great website on how to grow fodder grass! will that be healthy for her ? i only find literature for chickens and ducks.

since we have the ducks, we are outside a few hours a day. she doesnt walk very welll. her right tibia is rotated to the right. her hock joint ligaments have gotten much stronger with age and good nutrition but not strong enough yet. they went from not holding the joint in place at all. she will stand and prene but when she starts to walk around she trips and then gets upset and screams. i let her continue because i want her to have strength in her legs. when she starts to get tired or way to frustrated i put her back in her chair. i honestly dont have guidelines because there arent a lot of people out there that are taking care of a imprinted disabled goose and then blogging about it. i made her a brace out of a neoprene sports knee brace. it works well! I have spent HOURS searching for a brace online without any luck. they arent available! but i dont leave it on unless she is walking because i am afraid of circulation issues. she has toys that she chews on and a 10 yr old that constantly plays her music and interacts with her. I think she is going to have to be an inside pet. she has gotten to the point to where she doesnt care for the ducks at all. they ignore each other and she screams like she is alone when she is in her coop with the ducks..... we have gotten to the point to where she is inside with us anytime we are home because she seems to be happiest.... i have seen many success stories of indoor geese and think she will end up staying inside permanently...... my husband already has a plan for a wheelchair if the vets (or myself) decide surgery is too dangerous. its a waiting game though until she is fully grown. when are geese considered fully grown?
here is the wheelchair we will make her if it gets to the point where she needs one. Vet said a fitted brace should work but i dont.
She is a handful! She goes in and out of the chair about every 20 minutes all day long. today she decided she wanted to be in the shower with me. she freaks out if we are out of her five foot radius. so we basically cart her around to wherever we are. I have tried several different types of lettuce including kale. i introduce her to new veggies and fruits everyday. she doesnt like very much but i keep trying. (farmer had her on chicken mash) i havent found a thread on what food is good for geese so i have been following the foods allowed for ducks. I will pick up some cabbage. she will eat the grass when we are outside. i just found a great website on how to grow fodder grass! will that be healthy for her ? i only find literature for chickens and ducks.

since we have the ducks, we are outside a few hours a day. she doesnt walk very welll. her right tibia is rotated to the right. her hock joint ligaments have gotten much stronger with age and good nutrition but not strong enough yet. they went from not holding the joint in place at all. she will stand and prene but when she starts to walk around she trips and then gets upset and screams. i let her continue because i want her to have strength in her legs. when she starts to get tired or way to frustrated i put her back in her chair. i honestly dont have guidelines because there arent a lot of people out there that are taking care of a imprinted disabled goose and then blogging about it. i made her a brace out of a neoprene sports knee brace. it works well! I have spent HOURS searching for a brace online without any luck. they arent available! but i dont leave it on unless she is walking because i am afraid of circulation issues. she has toys that she chews on and a 10 yr old that constantly plays her music and interacts with her. I think she is going to have to be an inside pet. she has gotten to the point to where she doesnt care for the ducks at all. they ignore each other and she screams like she is alone when she is in her coop with the ducks..... we have gotten to the point to where she is inside with us anytime we are home because she seems to be happiest.... i have seen many success stories of indoor geese and think she will end up staying inside permanently...... my husband already has a plan for a wheelchair if the vets (or myself) decide surgery is too dangerous. its a waiting game though until she is fully grown. when are geese considered fully grown?
here is the wheelchair we will make her if it gets to the point where she needs one. Vet said a fitted brace should work but i dont.
That´s amazing! She´ll be pretty well fullgrown at 5 months, with just a little more filling out to do.
Have you tried giving her romaine lettuce? They usually love it. Mine prefer white cabbage to the dark green, and apparently too much spinnach isn´t good for them. I was just thinking... Niacin, Manganese and choline are vits/chemicals etc that are given to some goslings that have difficulty with their legs. Is she getting these nutrients? It´s so good she´s improving, I just wondered if these things could help even more? Mine like Melon and pears too.
So I keep learning that there is more to keep learning about raising geese. So now I have learned that when their wings start drooping then they have apparently consumed too much protein. Now we have taken them completely off pellets. They get hours of free range and they go to bed with a bowl of alfalfa pellets. How long does it generally take for the condition to correct and their wings stay put? I don't want more angel wings.

Now for the next issue. I bought these geese as a group. 8 in total. 2 were only a couple of weeks old at most and the other 6 were maybe 5 or 6 weeks old. They said 5 females and 3 males but clearly they didn't know what they were talking about because it's 2 females and 6 males. Now to avoid inbreeding, I intend to sell off males. I will keep the 2 youngest males because obviously with the age difference they couldn't have come from the same mother. They possibly could have the same father making them half siblings at most. I think that will be ok for breeding purposes. So the 4 older boys will be leaving. Now, I finally come to the question..... Keeping 2 males and 2 females, will they pair off or will the males compete and the winner take both girls?
So I keep learning that there is more to keep learning about raising geese. So now I have learned that when their wings start drooping then they have apparently consumed too much protein. Now we have taken them completely off pellets. They get hours of free range and they go to bed with a bowl of alfalfa pellets. How long does it generally take for the condition to correct and their wings stay put? I don't want more angel wings.

Now for the next issue. I bought these geese as a group. 8 in total. 2 were only a couple of weeks old at most and the other 6 were maybe 5 or 6 weeks old. They said 5 females and 3 males but clearly they didn't know what they were talking about because it's 2 females and 6 males. Now to avoid inbreeding, I intend to sell off males. I will keep the 2 youngest males because obviously with the age difference they couldn't have come from the same mother. They possibly could have the same father making them half siblings at most. I think that will be ok for breeding purposes. So the 4 older boys will be leaving. Now, I finally come to the question..... Keeping 2 males and 2 females, will they pair off or will the males compete and the winner take both girls?
The drooping maybe just from the blood feathers coming in on the wings they are heavy and they have to develop muscle to hold them properly as long as it isn't angel wing it should take care of itself. They may pair off or one gander may take both, you just never know in goose dynamics but hopefully they will pair off.
So I keep learning that there is more to keep learning about raising geese. So now I have learned that when their wings start drooping then they have apparently consumed too much protein. Now we have taken them completely off pellets. They get hours of free range and they go to bed with a bowl of alfalfa pellets. How long does it generally take for the condition to correct and their wings stay put? I don't want more angel wings.

Now for the next issue. I bought these geese as a group. 8 in total. 2 were only a couple of weeks old at most and the other 6 were maybe 5 or 6 weeks old. They said 5 females and 3 males but clearly they didn't know what they were talking about because it's 2 females and 6 males. Now to avoid inbreeding, I intend to sell off males. I will keep the 2 youngest males because obviously with the age difference they couldn't have come from the same mother. They possibly could have the same father making them half siblings at most. I think that will be ok for breeding purposes. So the 4 older boys will be leaving. Now, I finally come to the question..... Keeping 2 males and 2 females, will they pair off or will the males compete and the winner take both girls?
Hi Roboduck. I´ve never had dropped wing mine, but my book says to bind the wing, like you do with angel wing.
As regards paring off, my pils do tend to like to keep in pairs, but if there´s a spare female around, looking for a male, then the male will oblige. But I´ve not had a male of an established pair go off after another male´s female.
I´m surprised someone got it wrong with the sexing with Pilgrims!
I knew they were wrong when I bought them but I didn't care. I got the extras in case of mortality and figured whatever survived could be sold to get some Pilgrims in this area. Pilgrim geese are impossible to find around here. I got this group while we were visiting family 600 miles away. I just hope the orange comes in stronger in their legs and bills. Right now some of them look more like CPG than Pilgrim.
I knew they were wrong when I bought them but I didn't care. I got the extras in case of mortality and figured whatever survived could be sold to get some Pilgrims in this area. Pilgrim geese are impossible to find around here. I got this group while we were visiting family 600 miles away. I just hope the orange comes in stronger in their legs and bills. Right now some of them look more like CPG than Pilgrim.
Well, whatever they look like, they´re lovely geese. Have fun with them. I love mine, they´re also somewhere in the middle between CPG and Pils, but as these breeds are so similar, being auto-sexing, and both having such calm natures, I enjoy them regardless.
What is that you are feeding Forrest? looks like dog food. does he/she have access to grit
Sorry for just answering this, I am not getting notifications on this thread. i went into setting but i cant figure it out. i am scrolling through now to try and catch up on any replies. She eats what ever fruits and veggies i have in the fridge and pull out for us that day and everyday she gets a mix 50% of mazuri maintenance and starter. she was getting just starter but now that she has the angel wing , i am afraid of giving her too much protein even though mazuri says she should be on the starter for a while longer. she also gets dry activated yeast everyday in her food. it looks like dog food because when i add the fruits and veggies she makes a big mess and throws everything around because she doesnt like anything but the pellets. she spilled her water and they swelled up. i left it for a couple of hours to see if she would eat it swollen like that since its so expensive.....she didnt. i got smarter and started putting all the "test food" in a separate dish and she doesnt make such a mess. lol my dogs love the mazuri water fowl food. they always try to sneak it when i am not in the kitchen. yes, i have 100lbs if waterfowl food in my kitchen. its too humid and hot outside to store it.

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