Pilgrim Geese thread

She messaged me & I answered. Just waiting on a reply now.
Well, we gave 3 of our ganders away yesterday. 2 went to someone who will release them on his lake with other geese and ducks. The other one went to a lady who does a traveling petting zoo of sorts. So they should have good homes. The 4th will be getting processed soon. Then I will be down to 4, 2 boys and 2 girls. Hopefully they will pair up nicely.
Now watch, it'll be my luck one goose will be dominant and take both females and leave the other male out.
Well, we gave 3 of our ganders away yesterday. 2 went to someone who will release them on his lake with other geese and ducks. The other one went to a lady who does a traveling petting zoo of sorts. So they should have good homes. The 4th will be getting processed soon. Then I will be down to 4, 2 boys and 2 girls. Hopefully they will pair up nicely.
Now watch, it'll be my luck one goose will be dominant and take both females and leave the other male out.
I'm happy for you finding them homes, So far my 2 pairs are still together even though there has been a few small fights between my older gander and youngster. Hopefully it will be a smooth transition for your last 4.
Well, no eggs here yet, but I don't blame them with this wonky weather. -2 yesterday, +40ish today, 10 tomorrow. Make it end!!

There was a commotion this morning while I was feeding sheep tho'. The alarm cry went up from one of the ganders and sure enough there was a bald eagle cruising over from the creek to take a look see. And it cruised right back the way it'd come. I do love the bald eagles, as long as they stick to fish from the creek (very large creek) or road kill. Good job geese! I think it was Golly, my #2 guy. Can't see the #1 taking time from his strutting and preening, and the #3 boy tries not to draw too much attention to himself. I've been wondering if they were keeping an eye on the skies since there's a fairly large bald eagle population around here this year. Nice to know they are!

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