Pilgrim Geese thread

So I think ours are settling down and pairing up. I would love to end up with 4 pairs. So I need 4 more birds from different stock. GAM found one source for eggs so I'll be looking for others here on BYC as spring progresses.

It's funny, we could NOT get cotton patch goslings to survive last year but we did not lose a single Pilgrim. I originally wanted to do both CPG and Pilgrims but that would require penning them separately during breeding season. So we're just going to stick with the Pilgrims and let them free range and do their thing.
So my pair Asa and Sally are mating and have been for two weeks. Still no eggs...
Do I need to set up a special nest? They are just barely a year old now.
I just got my first goose egg 2 days ago so it's just starting here. They have their own time table but most likely she will lay soon. In my gooses house is about 8" of pine shavings she just makes her own indention and lays in there or she did last year, her first one this year was in the duck house.
I have a pair for sale but shipping from Ohio to Texas would cost a fortune.
You're right. thank you. Did you get yours from a hatchery?

No, mine came from a breeder at a swap meet. I could keep an eye out for him this year if you want. He may have more available & shipping babies is much cheaper than shipping adults.

Guess who's laying now?!? Miss Sally!

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