Pilgrim Geese thread

Where are you located? We may have some for sale...I stress MAY.... because we have NO idea how many eggs are in the dog house where our two girls are sharing space. We are incubating some but we are letting the broody do her thing to see how she does compared to the incubator.

Nashville, TN
Ok, so I saw the girls come out of the dog house and go for a swim. I took the opportunity to sneak a peak into their nest(s). I could positively count 9 eggs. But the nesting material was so thick and they had covered them so well there could be more. But they are definitely sitting on two different clutches. 5 in one 4 in the other.
Ok, so I saw the girls come out of the dog house and go for a swim.  I took the opportunity to sneak a peak into their nest(s).  I could positively count 9 eggs.  But the nesting material was so thick and they had covered them so well there could be more.  But they are definitely sitting on two different clutches.  5 in one 4 in the other.

How exciting!
Awesome can't wait to see pics of the babies. I sure hope mine lays enough that I can sell a few, pull a few for incubator and she will set on a few. :) I've read she should lay at least 20-30 eggs I discarded the first 4 as infertile and am hoping the rest shall be good :)

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