Pilgrim Geese thread

so i clipped my first wing i got a couple bruses is it right that i clipped the really long end feathers it didnt hurt her at all

If the ones your holding are the only ones you clipped then they are nearly all on that wing that can be clipped did you go by the chart I gave you?
That's funny, when I go visit mine they are in their own fenced area now [they have not been nice to the rest of the flock] and I have tiny bantam checks running around with their mamas. anyway my young gander hisses at me. I keep telling him hey I was your first mommie. now he only cares about Toots his mate and his adopted mom and dad. How easily they forget us. Those days when they would climb into my lap and snuggle are long gone. But I still love them anyway.
Awe that's sad!!! I hope that doesn't happen to my little (well not so little) guys! Although, I realize they will become more independent I'm hoping to maintain some sort of mommy status where they are at least happy to see me. I suppose it doesn't matter how much time you spend with them. :(
Awe that's sad!!! I hope that doesn't happen to my little (well not so little) guys! Although, I realize they will become more independent I'm hoping to maintain some sort of mommy status where they are at least happy to see me. I suppose it doesn't matter how much time you spend with them.
Yep they have forgotten me they are so wrapped up in themselves.
For some reason i can't upload pics. Well I'll keep trying. Images are from the two males from different lines i got as eggs from bekkanblue here in this tread and female which is like 2 or 2 1/2 months old which is from a different line wich i also aquire as an egg from jkranch in this thread as well. Being all from different lines I should get better fertility. According to what I have read their fertility is low. So that should help.
If the ones your holding are the only ones you clipped then they are nearly all on that wing that can be clipped did you go by the chart I gave you?
yes i used your chart and those feathers are from one wing, so now she has none of those very long feathers, there is about 7 feathers clipped

thank you so much for you help Miss Lydia
That depends on your area and how worried about predators you are. Pilgrim geese aren't very aggressive(which is great to me) and usually will be easy prey for larger predators including neighborhood dogs.
That depends on your area and how worried about predators you are. Pilgrim geese aren't very aggressive(which is great to me) and usually will be easy prey for larger predators including neighborhood dogs.
well during the day nothing can get them its only at night and i lock them up at night just wondering will they come back if they are let out all day theyve bin a coop about 4 weeks
During the day nothing is likely to get them but predators can strike then if they are hungry and stray or neighborhood dogs strike day or night. By now they should know this is their home and know where they get fed. They should return without much issue
well during the day nothing can get them its only at night and i lock them up at night just wondering will they come back if they are let out all day theyve bin a coop about 4 weeks
If you have a fenced area for them to forage in and it's safe then by now they should know they are home. In the evening if they are reluctant to go inside what I do is use a long pole old mop handle will even work, and walk behind then and gently guide them to their house usually once we start they know the routine and go in on their own. The name of the game with geese is slowly walk behind them.

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