Pilgrim Geese thread

Thank you.It's hard to get them both in a pucture. That's Ollie, he really seems to like his picture taken.
Ollie is very handsome.
Thank you both! I can't get over how sweet these two are. They are so affectionate and friendly. I thought my Pekins were friendly but these guys have just been amazing! When I call them they just come running. It's so cute with their big awkward feet and wings out. I just love them!
So I've pretty much given up on the ducks and geese getting along until breeding season for the geese comes. The ducks are territorial bullies! They both hunch down like ninjas and bolt t wards the geese and try to bite under their wings. Ugh. The boys are scared of everything but me. They tower over the ducks now but run and cry out when the ducks even come near them. We tried a divider where they could see eachother but Oscar managed to get his head through and I'm assuming stuck and I'm guessing the ducks got his head. When I came out to check on him he was missing fluff and had what looked like a little gouge on his head. I felt so bad! Now they just free range the back yard unless I'm out to watch them. They have no interest in wandering any farther then our back patio... When I come out to see them they scold me for wandering too far. I should mention that Oscar's head is healing wonderfully, thank God. I will post some new pictures of the handsome boys tomorrow. I hope all is well with everyone! :)
So I've pretty much given up on the ducks and geese getting along until breeding season for the geese comes. The ducks are territorial bullies! They both hunch down like ninjas and bolt t wards the geese and try to bite under their wings. Ugh. The boys are scared of everything but me. They tower over the ducks now but run and cry out when the ducks even come near them. We tried a divider where they could see eachother but Oscar managed to get his head through and I'm assuming stuck and I'm guessing the ducks got his head. When I came out to check on him he was missing fluff and had what looked like a little gouge on his head. I felt so bad! Now they just free range the back yard unless I'm out to watch them. They have no interest in wandering any farther then our back patio... When I come out to see them they scold me for wandering too far. I should mention that Oscar's head is healing wonderfully, thank God. I will post some new pictures of the handsome boys tomorrow. I hope all is well with everyone!

I have the opposite problem. My 7 week old gosling, George, likes to "help" herd the ducks, which pretty much means he chases them around the yard with his wings out. (We lost our goose at 4 weeks old, so he has spent a lot of time with us, especially at night). They tried to intimidate him at first, but he was pretty fearless and curious, so they backed down first. We are hoping he mellows out after we start putting him out with them at night, but we'll see. He doesn't actually hurt them (or even really touch), so we aren't overly concerned, but it is frustrating when we are trying to put them back in their yard or in their house at night.
My geese are the mafia especially during breeding season now they are in molt my Muscovy drake who My gander jumped on last week has turned the tables and he actually is in charge of the geese. He makes them get away when he comes around and they listen to him too. It's actually funny. The geese will still grab hold of a chicken if it gets too close and run the female ducks off but they are very respectful of my drake. lol. JLynnsDuckies I'm happy to hear Oscars head is healing, we need to be very careful of the fencing we use, this year a member posted about their gosling getting his head stuck in the fence and died. I found one of my Muscovy females stuck in the plastic fence we put up to keep the chickens off the steep bank behind our house so I had to go and buy metal poultry fencing to put around the bottom to keep that from happening . Always something.

Edited because my grammar is awful and I didn't pay any attention to spell check
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I have the opposite problem.  My 7 week old gosling, George, likes to "help" herd the ducks, which pretty much means he chases them around the yard with his wings out.  (We lost our goose at 4 weeks old, so he has spent a lot of time with us, especially at night).  They tried to intimidate him at first, but he was pretty fearless and curious, so they backed down first.  We are hoping he mellows out after we start putting him out with them at night, but we'll see.  He doesn't actually hurt them (or even really touch), so we aren't overly concerned, but it is frustrating when we are trying to put them back in their yard or in their house at night.
Awe, sorry to hear about George's buddy... George sounds adorable! I'm glad he doesn't hurt the ducks. It's cute that he tries to herd them.
My geese are the mafia especially during breeding season now they are in molt my my Muscovy drake who My gander jumped on last week has turned the tables and he actually is in charge of the geese. He makes them get away when he comes around and they listen to him too. It's actually funny. The gese will stil lgrab hold of a chicken if it gets too close and run the female ducks off but they are very respectful of my drake. lol. JLynnsDuckies I'm happy to hear oscars head is healing, we need to be very careful of the fencing we use, this year a member posted about their gosling getting his head stuck in the fence and died. I found one of my Muscovy females stuck in the plastic fence we put up to keep the chickens off the streep bank behind our house so I had to go and buy metal poultry fencing to put around the bottom to keep that from happening . Always something. :)  
How funny the geese let the drake take charge especially when they are so much bigger than him! I agree about the fencing. Needless to say I took the divider down immediately after it happened. My poor guy! I like that you call them the mafia. That's too funny!

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