Pilgrim Geese thread

I'm not sure if you can use liquid bandage on water fowl they can be sensitive to some things. and boy does it burn. about the only way to keep him from scratching would be to cover it and I don't know how you could do that since it's right in the middle of his eyes just keep putting neo or some other kind of antibiotic ointment on it maybe that will help with the itch. make sure none has pain relief in it.

Also you can wash with saline to help heal quicker or put ACV into drinking bucket he'll wash his head and ACV helps to heal.
I had a feeling about using the liquid bandaid. Thank you for the suggestions. I will try them. Hopefully the neo will help. We will have to go get some ACV. How much do I put in the water?
I had a feeling about using the liquid bandaid. Thank you for the suggestions. I will try them. Hopefully the neo will help. We will have to go get some ACV. How much do I put in the water?
I'm sorry I usually say 1-2 Tab to 1 gallon of water it not only help to kill certain bacteria but it is also a good tonic. I give it to my flock a couple times a week.
Howdy Pilgrim... (Get it?)

Oh well...

We ended up with Pilgrims out of sheer blessing. I just bought some geese from the feed store and they turned out with that beautiful gray coloring. Then, my daughter Googled and found out that they were Pilgrims and we love them.
My question is this:
They are all just a couple m moths old, I think. Ok, I know.. If I were more responsible then I would know how old they were exactly. I'm a redneck, so please work with me on this, ok?

Anyway, I'm wondering what the laying schedule is for Pilgrim Geese? I have at least one Gander, I know, and at least one Goose--- maybe two.

My turkeys, for instance, lay in season several times a year. I've already hatched out 6 turkeys just a week ago. Whenever I find a turkey egg I scoop it up and hatch it because they don't lay all year long like chickens.

I have about 40 chickens total, 19 Muscovy, and about 24 Mallards. We also have 8 Bourbon Reds who aren't old enough to free range yet.

12 Guineas too not counting 8 keeps in the outdoor brooder right now.

At any rate, with the Pilgrims--- I digress.

Do they lay in season like a Turkey or year round like a chicken?

Oh yeah... we have Pekin Ducks too. 8 of them. Geesh.
I'm no expert but that looks more like a Chinese to me.

But I have been wrong before.

Here is a pair of Pilgrim geese to compare ...

Maybe 2 Pomeranian and either African or Chinese I am leaning towards African gorgeous geese. Most geese with the exception of Chinese start breeding in Jan-Feb of year after they hatch. Then they begin to lay usually 2-3 weeks after breeding begins and will lay an egg every other day till around end of May into first part of June. Then they are done for the year.

Now Chinese can begin mating and laying sometimes in the fall . Not sure if that is all Chinese though.

We have a Africa/Chinese thread and also a Pomeranian Thread if you want to talk to members who have these breeds.

Welcome to BYC
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