pine shavings


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 22, 2008
Hi, can anyone tell me if kiln dried pined bagged shavings is a good price att 3.25 cubic feet for $4.75. I am in Ma. and new to this, thanks. lionpearl
Thats about the going rate here in MA. Will probably get more expensive as fall and winter roll around. I have an 8x6 coop to fill and a 14x12 horse stall to fill this winter!
good thanks for letting me know. i assume those are ok for the chicken coop. lionpearl
I hear that pine shavings will give chickens respretory problems so i use ASPEN
I read that somewhere too can't remember if it gets bad for them if too dirty or something makes it very dusty or molds can grow. there is so much info out there that at first it was mind boggling. I had chickens 20 years ago and we had no internet and did fine by the old fashioned trial and error. And there were some errors but once we got going I didn't loose a single chicken to predators or disease and some of the time they were free ranging. But I do have to admit that the wild animals are living alot closer to us now, not that I mind, only if they got some of my animals. lionpearl
can you yake a wood chipper and make your on.Is that ok to d:hmmf course they have to dry

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