Pink chicken! *Photo Update.

Her name is Oreo, by the way. I thought she was a roo for some time, because of research I did on coloring. Also the feathers were growing out pointy. She's from Murray McMurray, also.
Wait, you can dye your chickens?!?!?! That is sooo cool. Right now my siklie has a purple bum from the Blue kote i had to spray on her the other day. My chickens have been picking on two of my girls
I used food coloring and vinegar on mine for st pattys day. She was a big hit at the parade. This pic is from a few weeks later. She is still slightly green tinted today still, lol.
If anyone wants BRIGHT PURPLE chickens try Blue Kote wound dressing.

We had a bit of a pecking problem with our latest batch of ladies
so we sprayed lots of them!

Now (the problem is under control) but about 1/4 of the chickens have residual evidence of their wounds - purple feathers! You could do a poka dot chicken, but don't get it on you or your clothes. The stuff STAINS!
Yup. I always questioned this until I tried slipping some mutt chicks under my white silkie after she already had white chicks. Nothing doing. Just two days later, though, I gave her three more white chicks from a broody that started laying again and she took them right in.

LOLOLOL You should see a Shorthorn cow that lives in a huge heard of shorthorn cows ALL red. When she gives birth to the occasional throwback of white! Holy smokes! She jumped up took one look and RAN!!!!
If anyone wants BRIGHT PURPLE chickens try Blue Kote wound dressing.

We had a bit of a pecking problem with our latest batch of ladies so we sprayed lots of them!

Now (the problem is under control) but about 1/4 of the chickens have residual evidence of their wounds - purple feathers! You could do a poka dot chicken, but don't get it on you or your clothes. The stuff STAINS!

For cutting nails - sometimes a dab of vaseline will stop the bleeding. Or have a stiptic pencil or quick stop powder (for dogs)to stop the bleeding quickly. I would keep her away from the others until you are sure it has clotted over. Otherwise if they see blood, she will be attacked. INstead of dyeing fun colors, maybe you could do "large predator eyes" on their back or hen saver to freak out hawks.
I have it! I have it.. I know what I'm going to do for the betterment of the chicken comunity, and the world! (duh-duh da da!)
Drum Roll Please (to your selves)

Cammo Chickens! dye them brows, greens and blacks and hawks will have a harder time finding them. the price of Chicks will fall due to the many mothers saved (dramatic music here)

The world will no longer will fear the large birds of prey in the sky.. and chickens will live with the peace of mind that comes from knowing hawks can't see them.

and if not......well we can feel manly kowing we have cammo birds that match the seat covers in our trucks.

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