Pink Food Sacks

I have about 5 bags of pink purina senior feed bags (for horses) I won't have any chicken feed bags that are pink until tomorrow.... Happy to send them out though for the cost of shipping

Also wanted to add that I have rabbit(green), flock raiser(reg. bag) and omolene 200(red) bags as well....Oh and purina dog food and nutrena river run dog food in case anyone is interested.
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If anyone has any color sacks that they want to get rid of, send me a PM and I'll give you my address! I'd love to make some totes!!

Doesn't matter what kind as long as they are poly-weave (tarp-like!)
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Tricia, I may take you up on the trade. I have not made my first bag yet so let me do that and make sure it is as easy as it sounds.... I will keep in touch and thank you for thinking of me!!! Kathy
you got it!
If anyone needs bags in the mean time let me know

I may make you the same deal as ChickiKat!!!

Any kind of bag will do, as long as it's the Poly-Weave (tarp like material!)
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no problem. I get more horse feed bags than chicken feed (other than flock raiser - I only get layena when I have a coupon) but I get about 12 bags of purina senior horse a month and 2-3 bags of purina rabbit per month. I get omolene 200 when they are out of senior so I have those bags as well. I get 4 bags of flock raiser a month
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