Pip or Peck?


8 Years
Apr 15, 2016
Middle TN
My very first broody is sitting on her first clutch of eggs. I gave her the eggs 20 days ago. Tonight I noticed a small hole on one of the eggs. How can I tell the difference between a pip by the chick and a peck by the hen? Other than the wait and see method?

Thank you! Fingers crossed! I didn't/don't "need" any more chicks, but I'm still excited! This Easter Egger is only 9 months old, so I wasn't sure if she'd even sit for a full incubation, but she's been great so far.
You were right! That egg hasn't hatched yet, but another one did! The egg in the picture, plus two others, are well on their way, as well. :ya

I put 6 eggs under her that were shipped from My Pet Chicken. She broke one early in the incubation, but it looks like at least 4 of the 5 remaining ones are going to hatch. Not bad for shipped eggs, a (young) first-time broody, and a first time owner!

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