pip'd wrong end *photo


Dec 2, 2015
Mt. Carmel, TN
This chicken pip'd at around 7pm eastern time last night. So it's had this hole for approximately 14 hours. It's still chirping very loudly but hasn't attempted to make the hole any larger. I know that it looks like it's in the large end of the egg but the air cell is on the opposite end. How much longer would you wait before assisting this little one? This is my very first hatch so to say I'm inexperienced is an understatement.

What is your humidity at, what has been your bator temp? Have you had any other chicks hatch from this group? I think that at this time, I'd do a very careful exploratory removal of a bit of shell around the pip. If the membranes are blood free, you could enlarge the hole a bit and start a zip. Before doing anything, go to the learning center and read the assisted hatch article? I do mine a bit differently, but the assisted hatch article will tell you what the standard approach is.
I read the assisted hatch article at least 4 times lol, I'm so nervous, haven't slept all night! These are shipped eggs and several have the saddle air cells so I knew this was a possibility. I haven't messed with it since the article says if they have air they are fine, leave them alone. But I don't want it to get exhausted and die if it's stuck with its feet up or something. So I was hopping to get some expert opinions on it.
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My humidity has been between 40 and 50 until day 18... I raised it to 60.... once this guy popped out I raised it up again to 70 trying to keep the membrane from drying out. My temp has fluctuated from 99 to 101 from day 1. I have 2 other internal pips that are in the air cells, no other external pips yet. 10 eggs total.
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That's how far I got. You can see a tiny bit of blood, once I seen that I stopped. Chick was moving most of the time I had it out. The white membrane feels like paper. It's tearing like paper. The inner membrane under it is more stretchy.
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What day are you on? Be patient. It is better not to rush, wait 3 hours and check on it.
It can take over 24 hours for some chicks to hatch, and that is perfectly normal. As long as the chick isn't constantly hammering away at the shell and not getting anywhere, there is nothing to worry about.

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