Pipd's Peeps!

So only 2 hatchlings?

Sorry, I've been mia. The pup is zapping all of my energy!

I have decided to get rid of my rooster, but haven't taken the plunge yet. I'm planning on having him processed. I posted a thread a few weeks ago and got a unanimous answer. I was hoping he'd outgrow his naughtiness, but it sounds like a no. I also have watched and he's not in it for the girls best interest. He's in it for himself and only himself.
I think it's best as I'm pretty sure that is why Maizie is not roosting. Interestingly, I've only seen him mate her and the other polish. With that said, I might also get rid of 2 of my drakes as it would alleviate a lot of work and they aren't really needed. But, I'm not irritated with them, so that decision is harder.

Speaking of having a possible reaction to your soap - I had bought some natural products awhile back and found some facial toner this morning while doing inventory. I spritzed my face with it and it turned beet red. I don't remember it doing that before, so I'm not sure why I had a reaction to it now. But, with that said, I would never take it out on the producer (an independent seller) as its not their fault that I had a reaction.
But, there are all kinds out there and its probably a good idea to have some sort of insurance.
Yeah, sadly just the two of them. :hmm But at least it's not a single chick!

Glad to see you check in, but no pressure if you're too tired to respond! I definitely understand that!

It does seem like that would be the best plan of action, regarding your rooster. I feel you on deciding to rehome birds that aren't necessarily causing problems. Same with my Orp boys and Axel. They're sweet boys, but they add to my work load and are taking up pens I could use for other birds. :hmm From past experience, once they've gone, you'll be glad you reduced your workload, even if you still feel a little iffy about letting them go. :hugs

Yeah, that's what I'd been reading that got me paranoid, that for the most part people won't resort to a lawsuit, but all it takes is that one person to happen to buy from you and you're screwed. 😬 I kinda put that on the back burner with the hatching and some other stuff going on here, but I do need to continue to look into that. I was trying to figure out if I needed any licences or anything from the state as well for selling. I don't really intend to make a business out of it or anything, but making some money back would be nice at least.
Cross posting this from the EHAL thread (hopefully the pictures don't break :fl )

Well, this naked neck bantam is officially the weirdest chicken I've ever owned and it's not just the naked neck that makes me say that. 🤣 I sat down yesterday to 'wing sex' the chicks as I do with all of my chicks to record results and see how accurate it actually is, and this little one's wings would not open. On further inspection, her wings appear to be fused somehow? It's almost as if there's extra skin over top of the wing pins that hold them together and don't allow the wing to be opened fully. I'm not sure how to describe it, but here is the best picture I could get of it. You can see almost a webbing of skin between the wing pins.


This picture shows all the further she can open her wings. They do not extend beyond this point:


She's otherwise healthy, eating, drinking, pooping, etc. Not sure what to make of this. 🤔 I did find a thread where someone else had a naked neck bantam from shipped eggs with the same thing going on--wonder if they got theirs from the same place I got mine. There weren't any updates in the thread, though, so I don't know what ended up happening with their bird. :idunno

Anyway, here she is with her first full crop! :love I am beyond fascinated by how well you can see the chick crumble through the bare skin there 🤣


And our other wee one, with a full but much less visible crop, and definitely not pleased that I've disturbed her for a picture. :p


Casper is still keeping a close eye on things...

Babies' first real photo shoot! They were not happy and I noticed some shivering after what felt like only a few minutes, so I cut the photo shoot shorter than I'd prefer to get them back to their heater, but here's what I got before then. 😊

I'm more than a little obsessed with this weird little vulture I've hatched 🤣

nn bantam 3.jpg
nn bantam 2.jpg

The mutton chops! 😍

nn bantam 1.jpg

Little Cochin bantam baby was not cooperative for as many pictures and wanted to be in my hands or under the camera the whole time! :love She also still had a bit of hatching gunk on her right leg during these pictures, but I cleaned her up afterward when I noticed.

cochin bantam 1.jpg
cochin bantam 2.jpg

And the both of them, featuring Cochin booty :love

both 2.jpg

That little naked neck's expressions just slay me :love

both 1.jpg
Two completely innocent peeps who definitely didn't climb up on their EcoGlow and poop on it just after I finished cleaning their brooder for the first time. :rolleyes:


But... all is forgiven :love


I wish this was in better focus. The lil Cochin's face 😍


Another badly focused picture, but oh my word, the NN's face!! 🤣


I don't know how it happened, but the naked neck has a little chick feather out of place on top of her head that is just extra funny to me because of her being a naked neck 🤣

Tough evening. Dandelion's prolapse came back again today. I had her cleaned up and put her back outside with the others, but by roost time, just an hour later, she was prolapsed again. I had just gotten her integrated back with the others and I've had to pull her out to a hospital pen again.

I feel like this might be it for her, honestly. I can't keep fighting a prolapse all summer until she stops laying again in the fall, and it's not fair to her to put her through that anyway. I'm pretty heartbroken. I'll give her some time to see if it corrects again, but I think I'm going to have to make a really hard choice for her soon. I don't want to lose my Dandelion fluff, I desperately want her to pull through this, but I've got to think of her quality of life, and having an ongoing issue with prolapses cannot be comfortable by any stretch.
She's a hard one to lose. I never liked solid white plumage on chickens, so she's gone the extra mile to make sure I grew attached to her despite that, the stinker. No luck yet in resolving her prolapse, but she sure does love the warmth of the blow dryer after I've cleaned her up.

Meanwhile, the little ones are about one week old today. Slightly under for the Cochin, but close enough I'd say. Here are some pictures to commemorate the milestone! 😊

Our little silkied Cochin:

SiCo baby.jpg
SiCo baby close up.jpg

And the naked neck bantam:

NN baby.jpg
NN baby close up.jpg

Look at these couple of thugs :p Or are they supposed to be dinosaurs? 🤔

couple a thugs.jpg

Dino babies.jpg

It's just about their bed time now, and I hear them peeping for me, so I suppose I should wrap up this post and get them settled in for the night. :love
Dandelion was not prolapsed this morning, which was a bit of a surprise after the weekend of fighting with keeping her from prolapsing. This is good, of course, but I'm holding back on being optimistic for now...

Anyway, here she is after her clean up last night, looking grumpy because it was after dark and she wanted to go to bed. :p

Dandelion was not prolapsed this morning, which was a bit of a surprise after the weekend of fighting with keeping her from prolapsing. This is good, of course, but I'm holding back on being optimistic for now...

Anyway, here she is after her clean up last night, looking grumpy because it was after dark and she wanted to go to bed. :p

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Awe. She looks sweet.

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