Pipd's Peeps!

Well, just when I was thinking of buying a membership with the sale going on, apparently someone decided to gift me one as part of the sale! I have no idea who would pick me of all people, but I'm very grateful! šŸ’• Now I can finally get my signature updated without losing my little jumpy chick and links! šŸ˜

A little funny story from this morning. Every morning, when I open the pop door for Gus and the girls, Gus is always worked up because it's first thing in the morning and he's got to get his energy out I guess, so he dances and clucks at me. Every morning, I pick him up and give him a little cuddle, and usually he heads on his way to the other side of the pen after that. Well, this morning he continued to dance around my feet after his morning cuddle as if more excited than usual, when Dandelion hopped through the pop door to see what was going on. I don't know if she was just sick of his crap or angry at him for giving someone else his attention, but she walked over to him briskly, flared her hackles, and looked him right in the eye. As if he knew he was caught in the act of something he shouldn't have been doing, he immediately turned and walked away to the other side of the pen without another sound. šŸ¤£ I guess someone's henpecked!

Also, I took pictures of all the young'uns a couple days ago, just struggling with motivation to crop them and everything... Now that I've mentioned them, I'm hoping I'll feel obligated and get them posted today. :p
You can get a permanent PFM by becoming a project manager!
I've thought about applying, but I honestly don't feel like I'd be very good at it. I'm happy to help by judging contests, I just don't think I'm consistently active enough here and I definitely don't consistently have the motivation to get things done in order to be a worthwhile VPM.
I've thought about applying, but I honestly don't feel like I'd be very good at it. I'm happy to help by judging contests, I just don't think I'm consistently active enough here and I definitely don't consistently have the motivation to get things done in order to be a worthwhile VPM.
The requirements are not that high!

Thanks for heling with the contest.
Oh, also, pictures! I'll start with the oldest, the silkied Cochins. They're about 3 months old now, phew! I didn't label the pictures like I usually do, so they're alphabetical instead of hatch order this time around. šŸ˜Š

Bella baby:


Tough guy Diesel:


Shy Hank:


Harley the adventurous:


Sweet Juniper:


Ms. Coconut... who was in no mood for a picture šŸ¤£

Ms. Coconut.jpg

Washburne the magnificent:


And the unnamed boys, Mr. 6:

Mr. 6.jpg

And Mr. 7:

Mr. 7.jpg

A couple extra shots of the Blue boys, Diesel and Hank. Aren't they so handsome? :love

Diesel handsome.jpg
Hank and Diesel blue boys.jpg

And Wash being a cutie, as always :love :love

Wash cutie.jpg

Here are the English Orpington boys, also about 3 months old now, starting with purple band Chocolate Mottled:

chocolate mottled purple band.jpg

Red band Chocolate Mottled, who is doing great now despite how ugly that beak looks. He's getting his saddles in now!

chocolate mottled red band.jpg

And Mr. Crele:


Lastly, the young'uns, about 2 months old now! Here is Harriet, our little Cream Legbar lady šŸ˜

Harriet cream legbar.jpg

The Blue Orpingtons, lovely Neela :love

Neela blue orp.jpg

And Isolde, who... is still suspicious šŸ¤Ø She ("she"?) doesn't seem to like to touch dirt, so she's always on the feeder or waterer, or sitting on my ankle when they're outside. šŸ¤£

Isolde blue orp.jpg

Lastly the Barred Rock bantams, who I have learned fit through 2x4-inch welded wire fence :th First the girls, starting with Findlay, who discovered sitting in my lap :love

Findlay barred rock bantam.jpg

Skeet, who took Izzy's spot because she wanted to feel taller I guess šŸ¤£

Skeet barred rock bantam.jpg

And the boys:

Barred Rock bantam green band.jpg
Barred Rock bantam purple band.jpg
Barred Rock bantam red band.jpg
Barred Rock bantam yellow band.jpg

Aaaand, here's a bunch more :eek: Almost done! Here's Neela and Izzy posing together :love

orp girls.jpg

Izzy again, closer up. I wish she'd just go full cockerel or pullet at this point, she's driving me bonkers! šŸ¤£

Isolde close up.jpg
Isolde very close up.jpg

And another shot of Harriet because she's too pretty :love

Harriet tall.jpg

Last group of pictures is of Roscoe and the babies. He's in the pen next to the one I put them in, and he just seems to love kids. It's so adorable! He crouches and lets them poke at his face, he shows them things to peck at, and he just can't seem to unglue himself from that side of his pen when they're in their pen next door. šŸ˜ Here are a few shots of him interacting with them while I was getting their pictures.

Roscoe and red band.jpg
Roscoe and the boys.jpg
Roscoe and the kids.jpg
Roscoe peek a boo.jpg

And I think that's it! That was... just a few more than I realized it would be!:th
Oh, also, pictures! I'll start with the oldest, the silkied Cochins. They're about 3 months old now, phew! I didn't label the pictures like I usually do, so they're alphabetical instead of hatch order this time around. šŸ˜Š

Bella baby:

View attachment 2820496

Tough guy Diesel:

View attachment 2820504

Shy Hank:

View attachment 2820497

Harley the adventurous:

View attachment 2820498

Sweet Juniper:

View attachment 2820499

Ms. Coconut... who was in no mood for a picture šŸ¤£

View attachment 2820502

Washburne the magnificent:

View attachment 2820503

And the unnamed boys, Mr. 6:

View attachment 2820500

And Mr. 7:

View attachment 2820501

A couple extra shots of the Blue boys, Diesel and Hank. Aren't they so handsome? :love

View attachment 2820505View attachment 2820506

And Wash being a cutie, as always :love :love

View attachment 2820507

Here are the English Orpington boys, also about 3 months old now, starting with purple band Chocolate Mottled:

View attachment 2820508

Red band Chocolate Mottled, who is doing great now despite how ugly that beak looks. He's getting his saddles in now!

View attachment 2820509

And Mr. Crele:

View attachment 2820510

Lastly, the young'uns, about 2 months old now! Here is Harriet, our little Cream Legbar lady šŸ˜

View attachment 2820516

The Blue Orpingtons, lovely Neela :love

View attachment 2820518

And Isolde, who... is still suspicious šŸ¤Ø She ("she"?) doesn't seem to like to touch dirt, so she's always on the feeder or waterer, or sitting on my ankle when they're outside. šŸ¤£

View attachment 2820517

Lastly the Barred Rock bantams, who I have learned fit through 2x4-inch welded wire fence :th First the girls, starting with Findlay, who discovered sitting in my lap :love

View attachment 2820515

Skeet, who took Izzy's spot because she wanted to feel taller I guess šŸ¤£

View attachment 2820519

And the boys:

View attachment 2820511View attachment 2820512View attachment 2820513View attachment 2820514

Aaaand, here's a bunch more :eek: Almost done! Here's Neela and Izzy posing together :love

View attachment 2820523

Izzy again, closer up. I wish she'd just go full cockerel or pullet at this point, she's driving me bonkers! šŸ¤£

View attachment 2820521View attachment 2820522

And another shot of Harriet because she's too pretty :love

View attachment 2820520

Last group of pictures is of Roscoe and the babies. He's in the pen next to the one I put them in, and he just seems to love kids. It's so adorable! He crouches and lets them poke at his face, he shows them things to peck at, and he just can't seem to unglue himself from that side of his pen when they're in their pen next door. šŸ˜ Here are a few shots of him interacting with them while I was getting their pictures.

View attachment 2820524View attachment 2820525View attachment 2820527View attachment 2820528

And I think that's it! That was... just a few more than I realized it would be!:th
they are very cute!
I very nearly had another brood of chicks, y'all. This time, though, it's because I found out this morning that Meyer Hatchery will no longer be carrying my beloved Dorkings after this year. :hit They had two pullets available for pickup tomorrow when I checked before coop opening this morning, and more Barred Rock bantams as well, so the temptation was real to get them and try for more BR pullets at the same time. Now no more Dorking pullets remain for any date, so that temptation is gone. Oh, well. I didn't really need another round of brooding chicks, especially this late in the year. I guess this means I'll have to get serious about finding an actual breeder to get Dorkings from in the future! šŸ˜Š

In other news, Mr. Crele discovered his miniature copies yesterday and he could not stop staring at them šŸ¤£ He's become quite the curious cockerel, still a bit cautious of me but inquisitive enough to come over to see what I'm doing when I'm out there. I really do like him and the other English Orp boys. If only I had the space for yet more roosters I have no actual use for. šŸ˜©


After thinking about it for a long time today, I've decided that I am weak and I just can't rehome the English Orpington boys. I know they're young, and their personalities could change quite a bit as they mature, but they're just such sweet, inquisitive boys right now, and already shaping up to be quite beautiful birds. I wanted to keep just one of the Chocolate Mottleds anyway, so why not the other and Mr. Crele, too?

As for not having space, I was going over my coops and planning who will go where for the winter, and I realized as I did this that I do technically have plenty of space for them. I lost one of the two Guinea cocks I had left earlier this year, so I'm down to just the one, and his coop is a big, 8x8 box with plenty of room for a few large roosters to live in it as well. The Guinea won't be alone for the winter, and the boys will have a generous shelter from the snow as well. This structure is what I intend to make into the Old English coop in the future, but until then, I may as well put the space to good use, right?

Yes, I'm working hard to justify this to myself and everyone who will hear it. Please validate my decisions, thank you. šŸ¤£

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