pipped but not hatching eggs. advice needed


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 16, 2008
barnsley. england
hi ive had a few posts on here in past couple of days. we have 6 duck eggs now, 4 we think have peeped(not 100% sure). they peeped on tuesday night and havent got any further do you think now would be a good time to intervene. they are still moving inside but just getting worryed because everywhere says should have pipped within 48 hours, any advice would be greatful. thanks for reading
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You might want to edit your title and be specific about pipped but not hatching duck eggs so someone with experience can see the thread easier and might can help you.
The duckling can internally pip a couple of days before you see them externally pip the shell, as long as your humidity is stable and high (over 60%), they should hatch anytime now. Don't be surprised if they have externally pipped on the side of the egg facing away from you.
Have you been misting them with warm water throught incubation? Are you opening the bator often since they pipped? You can try opening the pipped hole a tiny chip at a time and see if you can't encourage them to work harder. If there is no external pip, I would hesitate and breaking open the shell as you can't be sure the best place. IF they have not externally pipped, I would just keep the bator shut and wait.
we have just opened one of the eggs it was movin to start with but then it died. think we are just going to leave the rest and if they hatch they hatch if they dont it was never meant to be. thanks for all your help
when you intervine you have to be careful. Drafts are a #1 cause for death as will as breaking the membrane. They have to stop the blood flow of the membrane. Sorry it died

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