Pipped externally, but not internally, needs help!

How's the smell of the egg? The color of that inner layer worries me a bit! Did the bleeding stop on it's own?
Two of my blue eggs had this happen today; I don't know what caused it but it was *beyond* yucky.

ADD: Perhaps some sort of bacterial thing got to the egg after development? Not sure how that could happen, tho.
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@ Naomi: It smells 'weird' and it makes the incubator smell weird. This happened to another of the duck eggs I had, but in that case the lining actually glued to the chick and felt like a hard candy coating to the touch! It was so terrible! I had to soak it and rub off the membrane slowly with q-tips many times, and the duckling had to have several warm baths before the gunk (mostly) came off. I think wrapping it in the wet paper towel this time has helped, though. The bleeding stopped... I think. I mean, it wasn't flowing when I picked it up to look, but it had soaked into the paper towel and there was way more than I liked seeing. At LEAST 10-12 drops of it. I just felt sick seeing it.

@ Cat: I don't know WHAT causes this but I hope I never have to see it again after this. I am bleaching the feck out of this incubator once these peachicks and ducklings are out in a couple days... Will probably dry it, bake it in my car, and bleach it again just to be sure.... and someone recommended using peroxide for humidity over plain water... yep, sounds good after this!

EDIT: As of bedtime... He's still hanging in there, breathing and resting. I haven't heard peeping from him in a while, but it's hard to tell with the peachick that just hatched showing the world how big her lungs are.
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Looks like he passed sometime during the night
Ah well, can't save them all.
I didn't have time to crack the egg open this morning to find out what went wrong, but I set it aside to see when I got home from work... turns out there was probably nothing I could have done to save him. He was just deformed in a lot of ways, mainly the head and neck... there was a HUGE air sac/bubble under his skin (which who the heck knows how that even happens) and his skull was warped horribly. Wings were misshapen and he'd obviously not been absorbing the yolk, it was still a huge external sack. I was so involved in thinking about this that by the time I thought to take a picture, some critter'd already made off with the body (I leave them out in our woods for just that reason).
I'm having a issues at the moment. I have 2 indian runner duck eggs in the incubator. One nothing yet the other looks to externally pipped but I haven seen any movement or heard anything. I noticed the pip yesterday morning not nothing new and I can't tell if it internally pipped. It is day 31

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