Pipping and hatching today in incubator


7 Years
May 22, 2012
Hello every one Just new to back yard chickens today in New Zealand. i am having my 2nd batch hatching at present.
Did assit the first Plymouth rock a bit sorry... got great bator with all mods and cons...1st batch of orpingtons i did i got k 11 chicks out of the 12 eggs.. they are look ing great,.. 5 cockrels I think and 6 hens.. great colours, blue, black and splash/.
Now hatching plymouth barred rocks. Problem is one pipped 12 hours later with a bit of a lift of shell one out.
2 more have pipped and the chick is rocking all the eggs around.. not sitting up all night watching.. can't help myself..:)
Did notice the first hatchling had a wee bit off ambiliclus still protruding.. temp at 37.5 and humid ranges now with wet chick but stables at 65 I am doing all right, my orpingtons all pipped and hatched within 6 hours.. what up with this breed?
They sound like a nice, hassle free lot

Welcome to BYC!
Woke up at 5.30 a.m. to check, only two pips and chick doing well, then by 8 a.m. two chicks and now at least 7 pipping :)
Not much house work going to be done today..
I have 7 chicks so far, 3 more eggs pipped two nothing happening as yet, candled eggs at 14 days they were all fertile.. fingers crossed for a full hatch. I am using a King suro 20, its great..
Hi all, eleven have hatched.. one looks sick, 12th chick was fully formed but died in shell, not a bad hatch rate though, least my candle fertility was right 100%,
I'll see in the morning if the weak ones I assisted out survived., I will let you know, I am having a bit of trouble learning this site and how to get back on the thread..
I;ll be asking how to sex barred rock as I have read its the spot on the head and colour of the legs that lets u know.. girl small spot and darker legs.. any comments!
Hi Abrelea,

congratulations on your hatch!!

Until you get used to it--navigation is a bit different. Two thing you may want to consider to get back to a thread are the subscribe at the bottom -- it is a white sart in a black box.... Also I think if you go to the top tab under "My profile" it lists new responses to places you have posted, that have come in since you posted.... Last, if you go to the "New Posts" printed in blue up in the line with Forum Nav---and click on that, one of the drop-down choices is 'My Posts'. Whoops not 'My posts', instead it's 'I've posted'

Hope that they all survive and thrive!
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Ten healthy barred plymouth rock chicks, and they are so cute, by the head spot way of sexing them I might have 6 hens!
Next time I use the bator, I think I will count the day I place them in as day zero. I think I turned the rotater off a day early..
What a great hatch....

I recently read a post by a brilliant BYC member 'Ridgerunner' who said that your 21 days are how many days the have incubated...so when you count 21 on the calendar --- day 1 is the day after the eggs are set. (hope that makes sense...wish I could find that post)....

congratulations on the new chicks

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