pips and zip and LOTS of pics... Lockdown.......Hatch date 8/28

These are my new silkie babies I hatched from cjexotic a member here.

The survivor Batch #2 pipped this morning. I think 1 is definately a dud and the other has a 30% chance of hatching.

Batch #3 showed up in the mail last night...New Hatching Thread anyone?
OK now I have a question about my little determined chick. He's seems to be doing fine getting around well loud as all get out, and finally pooed *big sigh of relief*. The weird thing is now he wont open his eyes. He was all wide eyed at first but now doesn't want to open them. I took a q-tip with artificial tear solution and dabbed on his eyes and he opened them but once I put him back in the brooder he closes them again. Not to sleep mind you, he's walking all over with his eyes closed. Also, since I don't have marbles and don't want him to drown I take him out to get him to drink (he's not eating yet but I guess thats ok since he's not 48 hours old yet besides I sprinkled some food in the water so he would get atleast a few cal. from the water. Not enough is there to thicken it up or anything though.) He seems to have trouble drinking. And this was before I added the food to it. It's like insted of dipping his head and lifting it to drink then getting another sip, he'll dip his head and keep it up for about 30 sec trying to get it down. almost like he's having trouble swallowing. My grown up chickens where about three or four days old by the time I got them so I don't know if it's just that he needs to learn how to drink right or what. What do you guys think? Other than those two things he seens to be perfetly fine, and thinks I'm his Mommy.

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