pips and zip and LOTS of pics... Lockdown.......Hatch date 8/28

I can't believe it...both of my Silkie babies are missing...no sign of them anywhere.

I haven't seen the black one since early this morning, but I've been seeing the yellow/gray one all day, and taking lots of pics...then I went to pick up the kids from school..and now she's missing too
The Leghorn X and Buff Orp X are doing fine, but now I'm so scared. I assume the big girls were able to grab the babies when they were too close to the edge of their cage, that's the only thing I can think of. I never expected that to happen.

So anyways, I grabbed up Sammie and the 2 remaining babies and brought them in the house and put them in the brooder. I put a divider in there, so they have one side and the Ideal babies are on the other side. I can't let these 2 go missing, too. I guess it will be a lot of fun in a few weeks trying to put everybody in the coop together...
Your temp should now be 99.5 with thermal air incubator. I have noticed that with still air I barely had to add water to the bator, but with the fan I have to add water like every 2-3 days, so be careful to check the water often. Same humidity as before.
Bananas, how is Loretta this morning? I'd love to see a pic of her fluffy and walking around. big_smile Has the other one made it out yet?

Here's Loretta all dry and fluffy. I haven't seen her really eat or drink yet (except when I dip her beak in water/food) so she's not out of the woods yet. Her navel looks good though, so if we can get by without infection I think she'll be ok.

The other chick hatched as well. This morning I had to give her some help, as she had pipped 24 hours earlier and looked to have given up...she seems to be doing ok though! Keeping my fingers crossed for both of them!​
Here is one of our new flock memebers. Mille Fleur ordered 6 eggs from My Pet Chicken. The breeder sent me 7 eggs, 5 hatched but sadly 2 did not make it but I am so excited. They are cuter than I could ever have imagined.


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