Pips, but no Zips! UPDATE- A CHICK


11 Years
Feb 23, 2008
How do you guys do this all the time??? I was fine the first 19 days, and since then my nose has been glued to the bator. (tonight is day 21)

I have 6 pips, one since last night and thats it. Some movement and maybe a chirp or 2. Now I'm paranoid they are not going to make it out and second guessing my therm and hyrom.

This is insane!

BUT, my 15 guinea keets arrived today and they are helping to distract me. No one said keets are like chicks on caffeine. They are seriously crazy!

Please, please hatch soon.

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You need to find something else to do....its called patience...lol

I always plan something else for the days if 20 thru 21 to ease my mind and blood pressure
I agree with everyone else. Step away from the bator! If they made it to pip on day 21, they should hatch out just fine. Can't wait to see pics of your babies.

Thank you all for slapping my hands down. LOL There is that thought in the back of my head "just crack it open and it'll pop out" Luckily I've read enough threads to know better.
Thur. is generally a slow day. On top of that, my husband stayed home "sick". That made it way too easy for me to run down to check the bator. Luckily this afternoon was busier.

Guess what? Time to check the bator!
I have a chick, I have a chick.
One of the Welsummers is out and about. I'm so happy.
She's even one of the later pips. They just keep ya guessing. LOL So now I'm waiting on 11 more welsummers and 7 silkies.
Pics soon to follow!

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