Pit Bull to the Rescue

Working Dogs need Jobs.
If we as owners dont realize most of our Canine friends were originally working animals, herding sheep, catching wild bulls, herding cattle etc etc. keep them locked in pens or< shudders> crates all day they get bored, distructive and some vicious.
This pit bull though not given a job , chose one for himself, Good for him.
I wish more pet owners would find little jobs for their animals it would certainly go a long way in relieving the nasty reputations.
I agree with gypsy2621 dogs do need something to do. My Beagle mutt took the job of being a nurse. No matter who is hurt he does the best to heal their wounds. My cat used to get into fights and come back all beat up and bloody. My dog used to lay on the cat's chair and nurse his wounds.
Just want to let everyone know the hen is still alive and getting better. She is even back to laying. I don't know if her feathers will ever grow back, but I think she is going to make it.
And Zac has a fan club, which he deserves.

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