Placement of coop: sun vs. shade!?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 18, 2010
Huntsville, TX
Being in south Texas where the heat index gets well over 100 degrees, I would think having the coop in the shade would be best. From what I have read, it is discouraged because trees can fall on it and predators can try to get in that way. Any suggestions? I know horses, not chickens.

I personally say shade.... If your coop is secure then you "shouldnt" have predator problems.. My birds are not doing weel in this heat, I can only imagine how bad it is in texas... I say shade all the way....
I agree with CoopCrazy- shade's the way to go. And I'm in Seattle. 55*F and cloudy right now. Furnace is on.

Thanks everyone! Thats what we were thinking. We are thinking of a spot between to large tree (both healthy and not looking like falling anytime soon). There isn't much grass, but isn't completely dirt either. I have read a lot of people have them on sand. It's alright to have them on grass?

Another thing.. I'll have their feeder and waterer inside, but do I need to have another waterer outside or will they go in if they need a drink?
In hot weather, it's good to put up multiple watering stations, all in the shade, if possible. Dehydration is a serious problem, deadly even, in extreme heat. You want to make it as easy as possible for your birds to get water, and make it so they don't have to walk far. If you build a conventional closed coop, it will likely be hotter in there than outside, so your chickens will avoid going in there, and their water will get warm quickly, which tends not only to make them drink less but doesn't cool their bodies down when they do drink, either.

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