Plan to free range Guinea, but not do I keep the Chickens inside?


11 Years
Sep 1, 2013
Princeton, TX
We are raising a dozen chickens and a dozen keets both born on or about Augst they are ~4.5 weeks old now.
In a few weeks we plan to let the Guinea's free range and hope they come home at night. But we dont' plan to (at this time anyway) let the chickens free range.
Does anyone have a good idea of how I can let the Gunea's out and back in, and keep the chickens at bay?
You may need separate runs/coops to establish two separate flocks.
If that is the only Guneas you have, only let about 3 out to free range. The rest will squawk and carry on. That night let the three back in. Do this for about 5 days. Guineas need to learn where home is.
After that period you can just let them out and leave them out, and they will usually sleep on top of the pen that they came from.
If you let them all out at once they will be gone usually.
I have about 200 that free range, and they split off in 3 groups. They come everyday for me to let the new one's out and I do little by little.
Hi! I have a question, please...
How high should the guinea coup be off the ground? How do you keep predators away from them? How many males
can you have, with females? Thanks , Judyb
This was the exact question I was going to ask. I am getting 10 six month old guinea fowl tomorrow. Then in May I have 4 chickens coming. I don't want to coop the two groups together so I'm hoping to have them trained before the chickens get here so I can let them free range. Ticks were bad here last week. Hoping the guineas will help with them and the mice.

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