Planning Board & the annoying neighbors UPDATE 5/26/2011 Happy Ending!

Best of luck!

Sad to think some people have nothing to do in life than be hateful
I have WHAT in my yard? :

I may have missed it, but at any point did you and yours simply ask the woman what she is objecting to? If she is getting an attorney on her own she is spending money on this. Why?

Don't get me wrong I know full well there are mean people on the planet. My brother in law married one and we all bear the scars!
But, what does she have to gain? or lose??

She has nothing to gain from this! She just likes doing stuff like this, the Town has even said that they receive at least 3 calls a week from her complaining about people. This is her hobby, some people knit or make crafts she causes mayhem and suffering, and enjoys it! We had never even met this lady prior to this, she lives no where near our property.
I would talk to her if I didn't think it would come back to bite me. I doubt anything I have to say would sway her.​
Thanks everyone for the well wishes!

We just got the letter back from our attorney, and we should be all set! I will be sure to update as soon as we get back from the meeting tonight.

For today.

I was just catching up on what is going on, so here is my thoughts.
Now this old bat is going around making comments to people about you.
I would go to the people who are your friends who have heard her bad mouthing you.
I would have them write down everything they heard her say. Keep it on file.
This person is doing defamaition of characture.
Ask the lawyer if you can sue her for that?
My thoughts exactly on herfrds post above. And also if she has no claims to areas around this property and is just wanting to cause havoc. Get her for harassment. We lived in an area that the code officer said this certain person called with no less than 30 complaints per week for our neighborhood. I wanted to file harassment charges but we couldn't find out who it was. But we all had been "hit" by her/him. People are rediculous and she needs to be called out on it at least to force her to spill her nastiness in front of a higher power than the store employee. If she's going to slander you make her own it. Good luck with this idiot
that's causing you the grief. May she get "hers" in the end
I wonder if any one has told them that Fish poop in the lake all the time! Along with birds and other animals that go near the water lol.

I hope you win, I think you should be able to do what ever you want on YOUR OWN land! If you want to start a small personal use farm then i think you should be able too.
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OK soooooooooooooooooooooo the meeting didn't go bad, but it didn't go great either, it was pretty much left as a big to be continued.... AGAIN

So pretty much the board attorney said that we really don't need a variance because this is for agricultural use and therefor need to go before the planning board instead, so while we can have the animals and we don't have to remove their shelters to move forward we need an approved site plan. This has never happened in the town before and we are setting a new president. The thing that is bad though, is with this ruling it could mean that to own any agricultural animal you must go before the planning board from now on in the Town of Plattsburgh. The codes officer explained it saying that even if you just had one chicken you would need at least 7 acres and an approved site plan.... really!
I mean this doesn't matter to us we have to get a site plan anyways and we have more then 7 acres, but what about people that don't? I think the town is going to be reviewing and making some changes to their zoning and planning guidelines very soon if this is the route they plan on taking. I mean we didn't want to be revolutionaries we just wanted to get back to basics and be more self sufficient!

So that's the results of the meeting, I have to get the site plan application in by next Tuesday for the planning board meeting next month. I have a very good feeling that it is going to go through.

On the other hand the psycho lady and her minions showed up, but because there was no public hearing they didn't get to say a thing! boy where they peeved!
If you and the township all know that this woman is a serial abuser of ordinance. And, I have met those before, often the town can be convinced to do some skirt arounds when you "help" them realize what this person costs them.

My mother was on the borough council where we lived and we had one of these people. She came to every council meeting with some gripe or another and most of them turned out to be non-issues. The council was able to tell her that she was setting precedent for others, from now on if a complainant could not prove that they had a specific actionable offense, the town could bill them for spurious complaints.

Each one of her complaints had costs tens of thousands of dollars in man hours investigating and legal fees etc. While some objected to the "access to the legal system" construct when the numbers were laid down of all of the tax dollars this woman was siphoning from other uses the referendum was passed pretty quickly. I don't know the specific wording of it so that people could file complaints or issues where they thought an ordinance was being violated (specific sections, law and order ordinances were in a different category) but they could become liable if they were noted to have filed an "excessive number" of unfounded complaints.

And yes you should follow up on the defamation angle.
I have WHAT in my yard? :

If you and the township all know that this woman is a serial abuser of ordinance. And, I have met those before, often the town can be convinced to do some skirt arounds when you "help" them realize what this person costs them.

My mother was on the borough council where we lived and we had one of these people. She came to every council meeting with some gripe or another and most of them turned out to be non-issues. The council was able to tell her that she was setting precedent for others, from now on if a complainant could not prove that they had a specific actionable offense, the town could bill them for spurious complaints.

Each one of her complaints had costs tens of thousands of dollars in man hours investigating and legal fees etc. While some objected to the "access to the legal system" construct when the numbers were laid down of all of the tax dollars this woman was siphoning from other uses the referendum was passed pretty quickly. I don't know the specific wording of it so that people could file complaints or issues where they thought an ordinance was being violated (specific sections, law and order ordinances were in a different category) but they could become liable if they were noted to have filed an "excessive number" of unfounded complaints.

And yes you should follow up on the defamation angle.

Can you PM me what town it is so I can look on their website and see if they have it listed there? Or do you have any further info on the referendum? I think this is something my town would definitely be interested in!​

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