Planting Vegies in the run?


8 Years
Jun 18, 2011
The dirt in there is well fertilised, aerated and bugs are controlled thanks to the girls, and once the plants are a certain size my hens stop eating them anyway.

I've also heard of people planting big leafy vegetable plants in their chicken runs to provide extra shade for the birds in summer.

Has anyone tried this? What vegetable plants work best?
Depending on how many birds are in the run, the plants won't last long.
This time around, I have started a 2-run setup. While they destroy the first one, the 2nd is growing.
but I have waaaay too many chickens!
it didnt work for me at all. I planted a garden in pots all around my run ( thats where the sun is best) Even after they got big enough-they chewed it all up!
no cherry tom's no squash-no nothing!!!! Maybe you can do better?
I was thinking something like pumkin or brocolli. But they're onyl winter right? Yno big leaves, and my bantams probably won't be able to get into a pumkin and the fuzz on the stems might put them off.
I only have a butter fly bush in mine and honestly I destroyed it trying to repair the run, the chickens mostly leave it alone. Next year though I'm going to plant herbs around the outside of it and corn along the back side of it. That way I can just pick and dump it into their run.
in a 1'X4' under the window potted planter box. Well plant grass and then secure it about 3" above the grass with hardware cloth and let the grass grow through the wire mess and they will cut it for you if you water it.

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