plasic bins for nesting boxes?

One way to solve the perching on top of the nest box problem is to place them outside the hen house. Mine are attached to the outside wall with openings cut in the wall so the hens can go into them. My walls are vinyl siding that I recycled when I built the house. The nest boxes are made of old plastic bread trays on pvc pipe legs. I used pvc pipe for a framing material and covered it with more vinyl siding. I can open them from the outside and there are landing boards on the inside for the hens to jump up to and enter the boxes. The 5 gallon buckets would work well for this too. Just build a frame for them to sit on. I like using as much plastic and pvc as I can because it is easy to keep clean and doesn't harbor bugs.
Aupoet-would love to see a picture or two of your idea for outside nests.
I have been thinking of using tubs myself, and thought I would place them on the ground on the opposite wall from where the girls enter, eat and roost. The mention of the covers getting covered in poop doesn't thrill me. I wonder if it is possible to leave the top off and cut a u-shaped entrance in the side for them to go in and out. To prevent them roosting on top, it is possible to cut off the top leaving only the thin plastic (too thin to latch onto) edge. With no covers, there will be plenty of ventilation, as heat rises. Would they not be happy if the nesting box is not covered?
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I have been using the plastic totes for several months,I have four,I stacked two ,side by side and bolted perches to the front and used a plywood strip about 18 inches wide and the length of two boxes ,tilted the plywood at a 45 degree angle on top of the totes and nailed it to the wall,the hens can,t sit in the plywood,I turned the plastic totes on one side and cut round holes in the lid,I used a plate for a pattern for the first hole,they are sturdy and work great,I have had as many as three hens sharing the same box,I use four nest boxes for twelve hens,they seem to have their favorite box to lay in,so far I have not had any problems,maybe someone has another idea using these plastic tote boxes for nest boxes.any suggestions would be appreciated,,,
Good idea. I was playing around on youtube last night (I actually couldn't believe how many coops are on there!!) and saw another great idea for a nesting box that I might use-
Five gallon paint buckets!!! Turned on side and lid cut in 1/3 to use for front of box. We have many of these around from remodeling. They looked rather easy to maintain also.
I love being able to reuse/recycle items for the girls. Saves filling the dump.
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