Platforms, especially for snow and mud zones


11 Years
Mar 21, 2008
Centre Rawdon, Nova Scotia, Canada
We've incorporated two platforms in the coop interior in addition to roosts.
Outside the pop door we also have a 'snow platform' so that in winter the birds can exit the coop even if drifts invade the run.

I'd love to see what you do in the snow (and mud) to keep the girls in the light, and clean.
Other ideas?

It's our first year with chickens and I'm loving it!
More pics in the home page link below.

Nice pics Lynne - not sure what you mean by snow platforms though. Not nearly there yet! Have a kinda hole in the front of the door but hope to somewhat level things off when I get the run done. Spent a very chicken day - way fun.

Where do you get grain? I went to Brooklyn last week for a bigger waterer - they only had one and it needed to be really rejigged as it didn't quite work. I got grain there but sort of a long way since I was hoping to have hens so I didn't have to travel so far for food!!!

Actually I'd like to make my own feed but would still need a reliable source of near organic grains etc...

what do you do?
Hey CMom - nah we don't have those up here in the frozen north! We have Co-ops though and they usually have more stuff than I've seen at them lately. Guess they are just reflecting the general lack of interest in farming that mirrors the government and the industrial food movement but don't get me started! I think we got the feeder and the waterer worked out now - just trying to find a place a bit closer to home for feed.
must be nice to have birds in florida...where in florida are you?
Jan (La Banan)
We had a muddy area in the run, right next to the coop, so we put down sand. That took care of it. My sweet husband also covered the section of the run, next to the coop. Now I don't have to shovel snow in the run, just so the girls can get out of the coop. I don't miss that!
Jan, the foodmaster for the district mixes at the Atlantic Co-Op outlet in Brooklyn. They're down on stock this time of year, they bring in waterers and feeders early in the spring. Just down the road is Home Hardware and they have a catalogue and in-store poultry equipment. I've been using the co-op starter, grower and (now) the layer formula- everything including grit and oyster shell is mixed in. Getting excellent eggs!

A snow platform is a raised flat area situated so that when your birds go out into their run they have an exercise space that will not get covered by snow drifts. I saw some on the Circle Pond website. Jan- did you spot any on your visit there?

We also have 2 platforms indoors in addition to the roosts and it saves us a lot of bedding.

They also make cleanup easier because you can scrape most of the manure into a catch bucket, keeping the run cleaner. The birds stay drier and get more light because they're willing to go out without getting their feet in snow. Here are a few more pics of ours. A lot of the old-timers used such devices to keep their hens laying later through the winter.

Ours are about 4 feet high, with bales of hay so the girls can jump down. Getting up is no problem!

OK - I get it! They make all sorts of sense. I thought they were like little decks off the doors and couldn't quite grasp it.
Yes, our platforms are pretty big, often half or a third of a sheet of OSB. With the girls often at waist height, we can check them out easily and there's room for all of them outdoors on a platform in'll be impressed at how much farm equipment Home Hardware stocks, ask for a catalogue. If not in stock, they'll get it for you...

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