Please add image search


12 Years
Oct 1, 2007
Ophir, CA
Please add a search function for pics!! Even if they didn't have labels.. maybe under topics or maybe where you could bring up all the pics posted as a thumbnail so you could scroll through them looking for the pic you are searching for.... PLEASE!!!!
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Nifty, I wasn't necessarily thinking about searching my pics... For example.... I saw a pic on either today or yesterday.. can't remember which (see the problem LOL)...and I have searched all the threads with keywords and can't find it anywhere..... If I could look at all the pics posted.. I could find it easily. Or.... if someone was looking at coops.. they could go to topic and look at all the pics posted and click on it to read thread.. See what I mean? Both a general and specific search so people could see just pics.. kinda like google images.. for BYC... Hope that helps...

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