Please any advice graphic pictures

It could be spurs or nails, check them both and trim if needed. Young cockerels are often clumsy and rough, they haven't figured it all out yet and are operating mostly on raging hormones. He may settle down as he matures. If you can, separate him for a while, let him mature some and give the girls a break from his attention. How many hens do you have? Just the one boy?
If you have a wire crate, then you can put her in that with her own food and water and put it in the coop or run, where she can still see them and they can see her, but she can't be hurt more, and she can heal. That will be less stressful for her, and will make reintegrating her after easier.
Their nails are definitely long and sharp just not the spurs
I'd separate the cockerels from the pullets and eventually rehome/cull the least desirable. Cockerels tend to be rough when mating, and with two in the flock one may be pushing the other off the hen causing the damage. Apply antibiotic ointment to the wound, make sure she doesn't get fly strike, and the pullet should heal - it will take time.
I'd separate the cockerels from the pullets and eventually rehome/cull the least desirable. Cockerels tend to be rough when mating, and with two in the flock one may be pushing the other off the hen causing the damage. Apply antibiotic ointment to the wound, make sure she doesn't get fly strike, and the pullet should heal - it will take time.
I was thinking about separating the cockerels from the pullets i just wasnt too sure how to go about it. The littler rooster will jump on her and then the bigger one pushes him off so ive definitely seen them do that. I had no idea it would tear her skin right off 😭 thank you so much its been pretty traumatizing and stressful for me. The one rooster actually has started chasing my hens. She will just be minding her own business and she sees him and raises her head high like shes scared and he just runs at her and then she tries to run away i dont know if thats normal either but i dont like it very much.
I was thinking about separating the cockerels from the pullets i just wasnt too sure how to go about it. The littler rooster will jump on her and then the bigger one pushes him off so ive definitely seen them do that. I had no idea it would tear her skin right off 😭 thank you so much its been pretty traumatizing and stressful for me. The one rooster actually has started chasing my hens. She will just be minding her own business and she sees him and raises her head high like shes scared and he just runs at her and then she tries to run away i dont know if thats normal either but i dont like it very much.
Cockerels are all hormones and little technique. In a flock with mature hens, the mature hens educate them on proper manners. With pullets they act like oversexed teenagers. The one cockerel knocking the other off of the pullet may very well have caused the damage. You might want to check the other pullets for injury.
Could my rooster have done this? Should i cull him? Will she be okay? 😭 im going to seperate her for now but i just dont know what to do ive never had to deal with this before
Keep her warm bring her inside use a syringe of pedialyte, check for blood loss, Keep her cozy and covered. Food maybe baby food meat, sweet potatoes. Apply neorsporin.

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