Please can anyone help me with sexing these cuties?


5 Years
Nov 12, 2018
I am very new to owning chickens and on Oct 18, I had 4 hatch. One died and one disappeared (the little orange one in attached pic), so I have these two sleeping in the bathroom at night, as mum lost interest two days ago. In saying that, she was an amazing mother. Pics include both Mum (Plymouth) and Dad (discombobulated mix - Naked Neck, Botham Bantom and possibly a couple of others? ) I have a feeling that the Naked Neck chick is a boy (lighter, thicker legs and a bit more gumption) and I am hoping the the other a girl? Would appreciate any help. Just confused with different ways of sexing different breeds. TIA .


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Yeah good idea
Are you in the city?
If so then maybe move to the country lol
Would you keep them in a run if they are all hens or let them free range?
I have ten acres but have so many issues with foxes that I have just decided to let them out when I am home
It is true you get attached then it is even harder to part with them what your doing is a smart move
Good luck
:fl Let them all be girls
Yeah good idea
Are you in the city?
If so then maybe move to the country lol
Would you keep them in a run if they are all hens or let them free range?
I have ten acres but have so many issues with foxes that I have just decided to let them out when I am home
It is true you get attached then it is even harder to part with them what your doing is a smart move
Good luck
:fl Let them all be girls
Apologies, I am only new here so didn't see this. I am in a rural area on two acres, but two roo's would be way too noisy for the neighbours. My boy starts at 4 am some days, depending on what the rest of the roosters in the area are doing - or talking about lol. My flock free range all day, pretty much from dawn to dusk so they are happy. But they were rescues, so I want to build a flock that is really familiar with me and that I can try and train. I soooooooo hope that at least one is a girl, if they are both boys I will be devo :(
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