Please explain the bantum thing

I have a bantam flock and they are the best!! 1/6th the poop of my standard production flock! They are pretty good layers every second day.
I have Buff Orpingtons, New Hampshire Reds and Dutch Bantums and was surprised by how small the are compared to the Orpingtons, but was shocked by how big the eggs were compared to birds the size of pigeons. It is half the size of a large egg so I use 2 for one large egg and it works great. They eat less per egg and lay about every other day; they also fly well and high compared to my other chickens. I had an Orpington rooster that was hard on the hens, (He was tasty) now I just use the Banty and all is well, although I did preferred the Orpington’s crow.
Now teach, just cause you can't handle a real bird is no reason to get nasty
I hve 4 Palimino bantam Brahma chicks i hatched a month ago
They are flighty and not very friendly at all,. like the colors though.
Dont know much about the bantam
The breeder said these wll get as big as "regular chickens" Anyone know how big A bantam Brahma gets? They dont seem too small to me at their current age.
bantams are so cute. and some breeds will lay only slightly smaller eggs than their larger counterparts. also they are great broodies and will be really friendly if u mess with them when they are young. and you can get more of them!
I have them and I just watch the young chicks they have feather out to make sure they do not get and stay cold, but they seem to be fine like the other birds, course our lowest temp so far has been 30 F. and it gets to 45 50 during the day and I let them out so they can get the good sun.
I have Serama they are tiny they lay two days on one day off usually, they are holdable but Arnt horribley thrilled about it lol they have better thing to do then be manhandled lol. I have them as in door pets and i have a silkie she dosnt lay yet but Is super friendly and will sit with me for hours. We couldn't tell she was a pullet for sure till about 4 months but the Serama were pretty clear by like 5 or 6 weeks
I saw my first banny chicks yesterday, wow are they tiny they run so fast they look like little wind up toys, they had one that looked lavender, My banny family was older when I got it so her chicks were bigger, or I just don't remember them being that small, they were so cute.

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