Please explain "Virtual Memory" on computers to me

On our second date he was so ill he had to spend a week in the hospital, and 2 more on bed rest, you'd thought I was trying to kill him. I sooo was not expecting a third date.
If you have a Frys, go there and start asking around. People who build computers get their parts more often from Frys than other places, and will usually do the work better and cheaper than anyone else.

Otherwise, if you have any at all comfort level with taking something electronic apart, RAM is one of the easiest parts of a computer to install.

If you want to do a self-install, PM me, I'll give you my number, and try to walk you through it. Computer stuff is more or less what I do for a living right now.

If your computer is old enough though, it may actually be a better decision to just get a new one and transfer the data over. You can always use your old hard-drive as a slave hard-drive in a new computer. If you can plug in a vacuum cleaner, I can walk you through that.

Just don't call me this weekend, we are holding a backyard booze tasting
Oh, if you do want a new compy, go here -

can buy either the parts and self-build for super cheap, get a bare-bones for cheap, or get a full system at an inexpensive price.

Their tech support is awesome.

I do recommend you self-install the operating system, you'll save at least $100. You'll save $200+ if you already own a copy of windows or are willing to use Linux or Ubuntu. Again, you can PM/call me for help if you need. Half the reason I majored in computer science is to help out folks I like.

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