So I know you don't give nestlings/hatchlings water, but I realized that the food I've been giving him may have been too watered down. He just hatched yesterday noon, and I fed him for the first time today. I fed him twice, but he hadn't defecated and I am worried because I feel like he should right after eating.
He is sleeping now but I am worried I am starving him or even endangering him now that he took in maybe too much water? Until we get the Kaytee Exact formula, we have been giving him Gerber cereal/oatmeal probiotics and original mixed with water. We give it to him between 102-105 degrees F.
So main questions/concerns:
1.) Is it normal for him to flip onto his back and lie on it sometimes? Is he dying..?
2.) If he did take in a lot of water, will he digest it or do I wait it out before feeding him again?
3.) Am I starving him? He seems hungry again even tho he ate almost an hour ago and crop is pretty much deflated?
I am aware mourning doves are illegal to own, but the nearest rehabilitator is like 3 hours away. We had the egg because sometime during the night, mom got spooked and must of spilled her eggs. One fell to the ground and was consumed, the other was hidden in a plant. We put it back in the nest and waited till the next day, but she never returned. We saw the egg was alive and decided to help it.. I'm aware bird mom knows best, but I need to be bird mom now and I don't want to neglect it. Please help, it will be much appreciated!
Sorry if I'm all over the place, I'm just trying to be quick incase his life is in danger.
So I know you don't give nestlings/hatchlings water, but I realized that the food I've been giving him may have been too watered down. He just hatched yesterday noon, and I fed him for the first time today. I fed him twice, but he hadn't defecated and I am worried because I feel like he should right after eating.
He is sleeping now but I am worried I am starving him or even endangering him now that he took in maybe too much water? Until we get the Kaytee Exact formula, we have been giving him Gerber cereal/oatmeal probiotics and original mixed with water. We give it to him between 102-105 degrees F.
So main questions/concerns:
1.) Is it normal for him to flip onto his back and lie on it sometimes? Is he dying..?
2.) If he did take in a lot of water, will he digest it or do I wait it out before feeding him again?
3.) Am I starving him? He seems hungry again even tho he ate almost an hour ago and crop is pretty much deflated?
I am aware mourning doves are illegal to own, but the nearest rehabilitator is like 3 hours away. We had the egg because sometime during the night, mom got spooked and must of spilled her eggs. One fell to the ground and was consumed, the other was hidden in a plant. We put it back in the nest and waited till the next day, but she never returned. We saw the egg was alive and decided to help it.. I'm aware bird mom knows best, but I need to be bird mom now and I don't want to neglect it. Please help, it will be much appreciated!
Sorry if I'm all over the place, I'm just trying to be quick incase his life is in danger.