Please help and sign my petition to allow chickens within city limits (Greenfield, IN)


Jul 18, 2020
I've recently had a complaint about my chickens after having them for numerous months and now have 30 days to get rid of them. When talking with animal management they said I can get chickens until someone complains. Now that I have had 1 person complain, I have 30 days to get rid of my chickens. The Greenfield, IN code of ordinance states no chickens within city limits. I am currently trying to get this changed and would love some support from fellow chicken owners. Please help me and sign my petition.
I Signed!! We also had a neighbor who complained luckily we have 2 houses (a city house and a farm) so we just relocated them out of the city limits
Can people sign that don’t live in your town? Or just residents of the area your wanting chickens in?
Oh man that’s a good question I didn’t even think about it it let me sign it even though it asked for my city when signing it 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
Same here. I signed it anyways. I think everyone should be allowed to have chickens if they have the space for it. I can see limiting the numbers or restrictions on having roosters but a handful of hens for fresh eggs doesn’t hurt anyone, they’re not loud and as long as you take care of things they don’t stink or anything. When I lived in city limits they had a ban on them but we got it lifted as king as you weren’t making it a business you had to keep them in your yard, no roosters and a limit on how many birds per square feet of yard space.

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