Please help are my duck eggs going to hatch!


Jul 13, 2022
Hi all, I recently brought some fertilised duck eggs for my female duck ( pancake ) to sit on and hatch. Pancake sits on the eggs 24/7 and they are on day 19, however I’m slightly worried about weather they eggs are alright or not.
I brought 3 eggs 2 of which are very dark when candled and just solid darkness when the other 1 is very bright all the way through which I think means that one isn’t fertilised or something went wrong. My main concern is the 2 dark ones does anyone know what this means and if they will hatch?
Thank you in advanced!
The darkness you're seeing is the baby inside! As the the baby develops, it takes up more and more space in the egg. Once you get close to hatch day, the baby will fill the entire egg.
Can you post pictures of your candling?
Hi all, I recently brought some fertilised duck eggs for my female duck ( pancake ) to sit on and hatch. Pancake sits on the eggs 24/7 and they are on day 19, however I’m slightly worried about weather they eggs are alright or not.
I brought 3 eggs 2 of which are very dark when candled and just solid darkness when the other 1 is very bright all the way through which I think means that one isn’t fertilised or something went wrong. My main concern is the 2 dark ones does anyone know what this means and if they will hatch?
Thank you in advanced!
did you see movement from the two dark eggs? Any veins? They have babies in by the sound of it.
No I don’t think so they are just fully black when candled I see nothing at all!
If they are far enough along it will appear black you may see *some* movement if you keep it perfectly still and in a completely dark room. Is the whole egg black? Can you see the air cell?
If they are far enough along it will appear black you may see *some* movement if you keep it perfectly still and in a completely dark room. Is the whole egg black? Can you see the air cell?
They have both been like this since around day 16/17. The whole egg is black and I see no air cell or movement just solid blackness. Will try and take a picture when I’m home later this evening
What color are the shells? My duck lays white eggs but then it starts getting pale gray splotches like bruises (blood under the shell) on the outside unfortunately the baby has most likely died. You can try to do a sniff test if it smells rotten its a bad egg but if you can't tell its best to just let the duck sit them.

The eggs might also be further along than you believe.

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