If he's not moving his neck maybe hold a bowl of water up really close to his face so he doesn't have to move at all to reach it. You could try dipping his bill in it too and see if he'll drink that way
I'll try that! Hes still not doing anything, just hanging out. Do I need to put something in there for heat? Is there anything I shouldn't put in there?? I'm going to get the spray stuff tomorrow. Warm wash cloth and dab I'm assuming??
you may want to clean the wound first thing in the am so that you can see what is going on
That is my plan to get the spray and clean it.up tomorrow. Hes still not doing much. Someone said something about putting electrolytes in the water too?? I'm not sure about that.
That is my plan to get the spray and clean it.up tomorrow. Hes still not doing much. Someone said something about putting electrolytes in the water too?? I'm not sure about that.
The electrolytes are a good idea he is probably in shock from the attack just let him settle down and then if he isn't eating and drinking tomorrow I would give it through a syringe or dropper and puree or soften his food
The electrolytes are a good idea he is probably in shock from the attack just let him settle down and then if he isn't eating and drinking tomorrow I would give it through a syringe or dropper and puree or soften his food
What type of food can I give him?? The duck food?? Or is there something he should have?? I dont have electrolytes, can I substitute anything?
His regular feed just make it soft Pedia lyte is good or clear Gatorade and you can soften his food with it
Okay I got him to drink some water with electrolytes in it this morning. He blew some out his nostrils and I saw tiny bugs. ( maggots) idk. Can I put in the tub with warm water??

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