Please help! Chick rejected by broody, Cuts all over :(


14 Years
Mar 24, 2010
New Hampshire, U.S.A
s/he was incubated by a hen named pearl. her first egg hatched 3 days ago. today we found that both chick and hen have cocci (we're treating with corid, they're iscolated) we took the other eggs including a pipped one and put them under another broody so the other chicks wouldn't get cocci. the chick hatched but the new broody rejected it. pecked it all over and ripped right through the skin on each side of the head near the ears and eyes, on the joint of one wing, and on one side of the abdomen. the foot is bloody where feathers and scaled were ripped out. there are feathers missing all over the back. it hasn't fluffed out yet. i moved it to under a heat lamp and applied some triple antibiotic ointment to the open wounds and once it's ready to eat and drink i'll have vitamins/electrolytes in the water or maybe some of that grow-gel stuff. it's peeping like crazing and sounds very distressed and it keeps trying to move around although i can't tell wheather it's voluntary or not. please i need some help what can i do to help close up the wounds? s/he is too small to put blu-kote on i think but the cuts in that fragile skin need to be sealed! they go right through the thin skin to muscle and bone. they aren't really bleeding much, which worries me more than makes me feel better. please any advice would be welcome! i'll try pictures of anyone needs them but the cuts are so tiny they might be hard to see...

leave it. if its going to make it will. keep it warm, all new chicks peep and move. watch for others as they hatch you might have to take them to. good luck
I've heard of people using super glue to close up cuts. I don't know what they use though. Sorry if I didn't help much I hope someone else will be able to help you!
thanks for the responses. i took a closer look; the cuts are right over the ear holes
i'm also worried about the cuts on it's abdomen; it's badly swollen and discolored. i'm just glad non of the organs were pulled out. i may try super glue on the wing cut, but i don't want to use it near the ears unless i have too; it might get inside and block them up. the abdomen wound is more of a punture than a rip. s/he is breathing very heavily. i wish it would go to sleep for a little while so i doesn't feel so much pain.

anyone else have advice for me?
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next chick's out! looks just like her sister.

i had put the eggs under yet another broody (good thing i have so many to choose from!
)she started to zip and thank goodness i was there, the hen started eating the peices of shell and membrane! I decided it would be best to place the new chick under the reliable broody, even with the cocci. i'll take her out once she's fluffed up. coccidiosis is not super contagious unless healthy chicken A eats the infected manure of unhealthy chicken B, right? and she won't eat for a while yet. anyway i hope this works!

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