Please help! Chicken wound from dog :(

Thank you! Here's a picture I couldn't help but share. We just got done with our Epsom salt soak. ♡ and I just noticed a typo in my last thread. I meant semi-new* chicken keeper.
Thank you! Here's a picture I couldn't help but share. We just got done with our Epsom salt soak. ♡ and I just noticed a typo in my last thread. I meant semi-new* chicken keeper.

That is a great picture, to be sure! I've become a bit attached to her I have to admit. I have my phone pinging me every time there is a post here. >.>

I suspect she will be more lethargic than usual while under the effects of the painkiller but that is not to be worried about too much since it is in her best interest not to be overly active while she is healing. That being said, it is important that she is getting plenty of food otherwise she might start shedding weight and that is not at all desirable at this point. Did you get her from a commercial hatchery? I ask because she has really great looking wattles and lobes and good genetics like that are just wonderful to see in a backyard flock.
She's eating now, she didn't eat much this morning and that worried me. She weighs 5.12 pounds. Now that I know her weight we'll be sure to weigh her once a week throughout the healing process. I noticed her eating about an hour after we got back from the doc. She was chest up to her waterer and food dish. Haha
I got her orange flavored aspirin and crushed 1 up (doc recommended 1 and 1/4 but I couldn't do it) and mixed it in with peas. She scarffed it down quick!
We got her and 8 others from Pet Food plus here in town (Eau Claire, Wi), not sure where they got them from. We have 3 barred rocks and she's the fluffiest one, the other 2 have smaller combs (small, medium and big, rose has the big one. It's nice because it's the only way we can tell them apart)
Here's a pic of the whole gang taken Saturday, it's missing one of the big girls and our 1 month old long Island reds. That's Rose at the bottom of pic. :)

What a good looking flock. Rose looks like the cream of your chicken flock. Im not just saying that for her benefit.I've always liked the barred rock.the black on white is classy. I see you have pekin ducks too. Very much looking forwardlooking forward to getting some of my own. Thank you for sharing these wonderful flock.
Thanks!Rose is definitely our girl, all the barred rocks actually. They're the only ones that let us pet them and love on them. The others will come when called to eat out of our hands and that's it. Hahaha. Pekin ducks were a great addition to our flock we started with 4 but really had our hands full a week in, so I gave 2 to a friend of mine who I ordered them with. They're only a month old too, they grew so quick! When we went to pick them up, the 4 long Island reds were left behind by someone else so I just had to bring them home. :)
Thanks!Rose is definitely our girl, all the barred rocks actually. They're the only ones that let us pet them and love on them. The others will come when called to eat out of our hands and that's it. Hahaha. Pekin ducks were a great addition to our flock we started with 4 but really had our hands full a week in, so I gave 2 to a friend of mine who I ordered them with. They're only a month old too, they grew so quick! When we went to pick them up, the 4 long Island reds were left behind by someone else so I just had to bring them home. :)

It takes a special kind of person to commit so fully to caring for so many lives and as deeply as you clearly do. You should know that your birds are in grwat hands wi=lth you as their steward. Have you considered a breeding program?
Awww. Thanks! No we haven't, never heard of something like that. I assume breeding chicks? If so, no roos here...unless the one long Island red is a roo, there's one developing a comb and wattles much bigger/quicker then the others. But yeah,never thought of that.
Awww. Thanks! No we haven't, never heard of something like that. I assume breeding chicks? If so, no roos here...unless the one long Island red is a roo, there's one developing a comb and wattles much bigger/quicker then the others. But yeah,never thought of that.
well bred birds should in my opinion be given a chance to reproduce. Ontop of being able to replace any losses in the flock, a good roo will die to protect his hens without a second thought. It is worth thinking about at the very least. If you would be interested, i could share some pictures of my black jersey giants. Our flock has survived three dog attacks and a vitamen E deficiency, they are strong healthy chickens now and hatching your next generation is every bit ss rewarding as it sounds.
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I will have to think about that. We took in a 6 month old roo from a friend (she came home from work one day to a baby chicken in her bathtub brought home by her 13 year old daughter from the fair. Hahaha) thinking he could move rite next door to the girls but he was sooo mean. He attacked us I still have a scar on my ankle from that little turd, literally pushed my mom down and he was only like 7 months old. Gave him to a friend who said he was imbred...he had 3 toes going up the back of his leg or spurs rather. It was a nightmare. I don't know if I could handle another, unless he was so bad because he was imbred.
Rose is out of surgery and doing great! Her heart rate is perfect and she's really snuggely. She's getting alot of attention and they're taking turns holding her.
They had to debrine a few areas but only had to suture her vent, it was tore and that is what I thought was her intestines coming out but it was just a piece of her vent. They're keeping her overnight so they can change her bandages in the morning because I don't feel comfortable doing that myself. They all love her over there and her doc said "she's really a special chicken". It's been a stressful few days but well worth it. I'm headed over there on my lunch break to bring her some food and see her. ♡♡♡

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