Please help duckling emergency

Thing Of it is not everyone has the means to afford a vet that’s why we have BYC and experienced members who can help or try their level best to help instead of doing nothing. Why should we even be here If we say just leave it alone. We saw on another thread where that went a dead duck.
Thing. Of it is not everyone has the means to afford a vet that’s why we have BYC and experienced member who can help or try their level best to help instead of doing nothing. Why should we even be here If we say just leave it alone. We saw on another thread where that went a dead duck.
Exactly and giving Vet care without a degree or actual exam of the animal is pointless. Certain situations require Vet care or just supportive care. Or putting down the animal so it doesn't suffer. Sad but true ..
Yes a vet would be the best option.
Yes most on here don't have that option, because we can't afford it or there isn't one close. When it comes to the BYC we are all a great resource to helping those who need it, but sometimes it feels like peoples threads are being taking over by who is right and who is wrong. We aren't there to see the the animal and we aren't vets. We can only go off our knowledge and experience. We all should be able to share what we know without it becoming a debate.
Let's try our best to help the OP without putting others down.
I am all for that I just see no reason for BYC if we can’t try and help anyone if we’re not vets or don’t have a degree? I am all for helping if I can and support what ever decision an OP makes. But I can’t say just leave it alone when there maybe something that can help or at least try. I hope OP will post and give up an update on how the little duckling is doing and what they have decided to do.
I'm not saying don't speak your mind. I would never say that. Everyone has the right to there opinion whether I agree with it or not. I'm just saying we shouldn't take over an OP's thread with debates and that if the animal has a serious problem (not just the usual stuff we all see) that they are gonna need more help than we can provide. I don't want to see someones precious ducky dead because of a mistake we made.
Yes a vet would be the best option.
Yes most on here don't have that option, because we can't afford it or there isn't one close. When it comes to the BYC we are all a great resource to helping those who need it, but sometimes it feels like peoples threads are being taking over by who is right and who is wrong. We aren't there to see the the animal and we aren't vets. We can only go off our knowledge and experience. We all should be able to share what we know without it becoming a debate.
Let's try our best to help the OP without putting others down.

While a qualified vet is the best option, finding a qualified poultry vet is extremely hard to do. We have a few in Minnesota, but they are not in private practice and would not take a call from anyone like us. They work for the large poultry producing companies, Tyson, Pilgrims Pride, Jenny-O, Golden Plump and so forth.

Most your "farm" vets are large animal or horse vets. The others are cat and dog vets, sure they will look at other animals and take your money, but if you talk to them one on one they will tell you old farmers know more about chickens, turkeys and ducks than they do.

They seldom see poultry, they might see a parrot now and then but that is even rare. They studied birds in general in school, but that has been years ago for most and they do not keep up on them, it does not pay.

The other thing is pure cost. Not many of us can afford to spend $100 vet bill on a $10 bird. I know I can't. I try to remember as much as I can from my Dad and Grandparents about how to treat whatever, I think the problem is.

I ask on here and do google searches to see what I can find. Then I wing it on a hope and a prayer and wait for the outcome.

Sometimes, things work, sometimes not, Is that any different than going to a Vet? Sometimes they cure an animal and sometimes they don't.

As much as I like Dux, I cannot believe I am saying this, but if a person is just going to "put down " or contradict whatever a person trying to help is advising why not just not post instead? Why cause the drama?

The OP of this thread and others like this know the suggestion givers are not Vets. They know there is no guarantee, they know the diagnosis could be wrong. BUT they are trying to do something.

Even if that something is learning what they can to prevent it from occurring again or helping this bird to recover.

I am sorry to vent on this thread a tad, but I read a lot of threads,,,,,(and am famous for my DUX advice that no one ever takes for some unknown reason).... that I never say anything on.

Why post if you are not trying to help? I have done many things that are NOT advised by the FDA or Dept of Ag when working on my birds....

The drug companies do not spend the time and money to get many drugs "approved" for poultry, there is no profit in it. We have to improvise.

We also know many of the improvising will not work, but every now and then they do...

Good Luck on you DUX (you may never see me say that again) And try whatever you want that some of the people have suggested. It is your choice...

Have a good day!
I have 3 baby khaki ducklings, 5 weeks old. This evening I found one of the upside down on her back and she could not right herself. I stood her up and now she is very out of it. She couldnt have been that way at most an hour since I last checked them. Now she will not extend her neck out, she is slow when she walks and her whole underside, chest and abdomen looks swollen. When i hold her she just sits calmly, not normal for her! I massaged her neck and she closes her eyes and goes to sleep. She drinks water, but I havent seen her eat, she goes to the food but acts like it hurts to move her neck. I'm hoping she is just sore from being stick upside down?? How do ducks get stuck upside down?? This is my second set and never an issue with the first pair. Any suggestions, advice is greatly appreciated. What do I do for her, look for? Thank you so much!

I am sorry you & your ling are going through this. :( I think the vitamins are a great idea. They are just vitamins (not brain surgery) & they can do a world of good in the life of a duck. They can not hurt & they very likely might help. Good luck & please keep us posted.

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