
In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 3, 2013
My cousin found a mocking bird egg yesterday that had been in a nest the other kids destroyed. He gave it to me and I candled it. the baby is growing perfectly and no harm looks done. Its been in my shirt since keeping it warm (last night I put it under a heat lamp and kept the temp at 99° with the humidity in my laundry room I kept a couplet wet rags in there. it stayed at 50% Relatively well.

I just went to check it from my shirt and my friends dog pushed my arm and my nail cracked a good sized hole in the air sack. please help!!

I know you can put wax on a Crack but I've never done it and rather not find out the hard way.
Btw, I know about the law. But I called my vet to ask what I should do, the baby is about 1/2way developed. He even said "You should because I would. After it hatches do what you had done with the finches you raised"
mockingbirds gestation is 12-13 days.This one is absolutely about between a 7-9 days into the incubation.It never once got cold whike with me, I just am freaking out about this hole.
Story on the Finches:
I had a mother finch kick 3 babies out of her nest. I raised them until they were 6 weeks and actually flew off and are still there to to this day. There was one male and two females lol I still to this day do not know as to why she kicked them out.
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I raised a couple of mocking bird chicks when I lived in California (fell out of the nest). Make sure to use an avian calcium supplement, and realize those babies (song bird babies) need to eat every 30-60 minutes during daylight hours.

I assume you have an incubator?

Good luck.
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Yup, I have an incubator and yes ma'am I remember about the 30-60 minute feeding times. I had saved a Robin (about 3-4 days old who had dropped put of the nest) and I raised it as well as the finches and just about every 30 mins I checked on them to either feed or change the bedding (well towel anyway) or make sure the temp was right.

About this egg, I had my husband check on it (it was in our laundry room under a heat lamp and I made sure to turn it or slightly move it every hour or so to keep the baby from sticking to the egg shell (my vet told me) and he said it looked fine. He didn't shut the door.... my kitten had gotten in there and pushed it out of the nest and crushed it...
I am heartbroken... It was farther along than I thought too. given 3 more days it would have hatched....

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