When you say she "hasn't laid an egg in forever " it could point to her being egg bound or laying internally. Which might be why she is sitting around with her eyes closed not really wanting to move. Please check into these as possibilities. You've gotten a lot of good ideas here but I don't think any of us are vets. Unfortunately the longer you have chickens the more you'll gain experience diagnosing and treating them, but they often don't show any symptoms until they are very badly off.
When you say she "hasn't laid an egg in forever " it could point to her being egg bound or laying internally. Which might be why she is sitting around with her eyes closed not really wanting to move. Please check into these as possibilities. You've gotten a lot of good ideas here but I don't think any of us are vets. Unfortunately the longer you have chickens the more you'll gain experience diagnosing and treating them, but they often don't show any symptoms until they are very badly off.
Yes I understand.... I can’t really tell if she has been laying eggs considering the other 4 hens and the broody hen... she and her daughter lay the same color eggs (white) sooooo it’s hard to tell with one is which
I also have wyandottes on the other side of the coop.... 14 to be exact so I don’t want them to get anything
When there is a pale comb, it may be due to the fact that she is not laying, or she may be anemic. There are several reproductive problems that hens may have, such as internal laying or egg yolk peritonitis, and that may cause not laying, and many other symptoms. They can lose weight, develop swelling in the lower belly, have problems walking, or look lethargic and separate from the others. There is not cure for those. Some people try antibiotics to help or prolong life.
Right now though, I would definitely treat her with electrolytes and vitamins. Poultry NutriDrench 2 ml daily by mouth is a good one. Some can be put in the water.
When there is a pale comb, it may be due to the fact that she is not laying, or she may be anemic. There are several reproductive problems that hens may have, such as internal laying or egg yolk peritonitis, and that may cause not laying, and many other symptoms. They can lose weight, develop swelling in the lower belly, have problems walking, or look lethargic and separate from the others. There is not cure for those. Some people try antibiotics to help or prolong life.
Right now though, I would definitely treat her with electrolytes and vitamins. Poultry NutriDrench 2 ml daily by mouth is a good one. Some can be put in the water.
I also have a question... when u put vitamins in the water and the other hens drink it, can I still eat the eggs!??!? I’ve heard you can’t but I’m wondering
Yes vitamins and electrolytes are okay for a couple of days if the others are drinking, but the good thing about the Poultry NutriDrench is that you can give it only to her. To medicate her every day, you can take her off the roost at night, squirt a drop or two at a time, and wait for her to swallow. Then replace her on the roost.
Thanks I’m gonna get some vitamins and diatomaceous earth tonite
If you did have a mite problem diatomaceous earth will NOT cure it. Many people believe in it as a preventative, but that is a controversial opinion. It is a fact that DE is very bad for all lungs.

Universally it is understood that you'll need to kill a significant outbreak of mites with Poultry Dust or spray. This is not the time to start dusting a significant respiratory irritant all over the coop and a sick bird "just in case". You can research and decide for yourself about DE when no one is sick.

Good luck please keep us posted.
If you did have a mite problem diatomaceous earth will NOT cure it. Many people believe in it as a preventative, but that is a controversial opinion. It is a fact that DE is very bad for all lungs.

Universally it is understood that you'll need to kill a significant outbreak of mites with Poultry Dust or spray. This is not the time to start dusting a significant respiratory irritant all over the coop and a sick bird "just in case". You can research and decide for yourself about DE when no one is sick.

Good luck please keep us posted.
I’m putting lime out because my paw paw use to do that when he had mites

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